In celebration of damn near anything you can think of, I present entertainment.
If you like Pirates and have two minutes to burn, go visit: For those of you not familiar with Looking For Group, it is a very entertaining webcomic (if not the greatest style) about RPG games. It can be found at I believe. Anyways, I putting this up because the good people who have started animating this comic released this: It is called "Slaughter Your World" involving Richard from said comic and...may sound famiiar. The tune, that is.
And lastly, for those of you who don't obsessively check youtube...our good fried acparadise has updated her stuff so Comic Con I believe is finished. You can look for yourself at: Or : is indeed awesome just like Michael said and it won Best Re-creation, Dark Desires, ConDor and Conjecture and AgentSakur9 awards.
And to end with: won Best Presentation and Comic Gallery Stores Award. You're the one that I want, you are the one I want...
Look Rebecca! I attempted to tag it! I did I did!