Mar 28, 2004 19:47
Desperation. Today is the last official day of Spring Break. I guess it's back to the world of unwanted education at the good ol' Tech. 7 weeks. That's all I have left there. Thank God.
Spring Break was alotta fun, even though I didn't really do anything that I had planned on. With a bad cold, you can't really do that much of anything. But it was a week full of stress-free existence and unlimited time with my baby. No time with him is bad. He's so great!
So today I got polled by an old flame about what I thought about us giving it a hsot if things with him and his girl didn't work out. Much to my surprise, I knew the answer - "If things don't work out with you two and for some reason they don't work out with us, I'll consider it." So do I think this will happen? Maybe someday because who knows what will happen, but not in the near future. Why? Because I have my Jakey! And I love my Jakey! =] But it's still really great to know that someone thinks about me like that. Talk about a boost of confidence!
Well, lemme run and get all my crap together. If you were my bookbag, where would you be?! lol