Jul 29, 2012 11:20
Evan is being SO BAD today. I'm seriously losing it. He keeps climbing on the back of the couch and getting ahold of the mini-blind cord. I'll take that away from him and fix it so that he can't get it. I turn around and he's in the kitchen....pulling out the one broken drawer that he can get pulled out. I took the drawer out of the cabinet so that I didn't have to constantly chase him over it. Then he's climbing on the end table between the couch and the love seat and climbing into the corner where I can't get him. There's all kinds of stuff in that corner that he doesn't need to get ahold of.... papers, change, etc. I've probably pulled him off of that table/out of that corner 50 times today. Every single time, I sit him on his butt and tell him that he can't be climbing back there, it'll hurt him, whatever. He'll run off and then I'll turn around and he's at it again. Seriously, my whole day is just sitting on the loveseat pulling him off of that table and I'm freaking losing my mind! I wanted to do a little cleaning in the kitchen today and bake some cupcakes, but at this point I'm going to lose my damn mind.
I don't understand how some people don't have to rearrange their house. We had to take the chairs away from our kitchen table because he kept climbing them and knocking them over backwards and hurting himself. No matter how many times I would pull him down and try distracting him, he would run right back to them and pull them over. We had to move the computer out of the living room because he kept pulling at the wires. Moved all of the blurays and DVDs out of the living room because he wouldn't leave them alone. All of my house plants are outside dying in the heat because I have no where to put them where he can't attack them.
I love him, but OMG today is hard. I hate the weekends because I am home alone with him all day Saturday and Sunday without any kind of break. We're down to one car right now, so I can't even go anywhere with him to distract him for a little while. He's just... too much to handle sometimes and I need a freaking break. I just want him to LISTEN to me. For 5 seconds.
13 months old.
not my favorite age.