Mar 18, 2012 01:06
1. We bought a second car! We've been making one car work since the beginning of last summer and it's been really hard! A friend of our's had a car that he was selling for his dad, so we went and looked. Danny and my dad approved it, so we spent $1400 and brought it home with us. It has some minor things that Danny's been fixing, but we got it for an amazing price for the condition that it's in and I'm pretty happy with it. We will save SO MUCH MONEY in gas since Danny works across town and he's been going through almost $20 a day in gas in our SUV. I'm so happy to have a second car!
2. I'm going to Jodi's baby shower tomorrow, even though Danny, my Mom, and Bestfriend are all telling me not to. They say that since she didn't show up to mine, I shouldn't show up to her's. They all keep reminding me about how heartbroken I was when she didn't come to mine. I can't just not go though. I feel too guilty and when they asked me about it while I was at work last week, I just couldn't say no. I only work one day a week, and I happened to be incredibly tired and emotional that I said I would go without even thinking about it. I also got suckered into bringing cookies. Oyyy.
3. I've started planning Evan's first birthday party! I'm going to do a baseball theme. I'm really excited and I've been pinning a lot of stuff to pinterest. :)
4. Evan has made it his daily habit to get up between 7:30 and 8am. I know that's not overly early or anything and I should be thankful. I've just been so. damn. tired. this week! Danny and I haven't been going to bed until at least 2am... and yeah. I've been tired. Anyway. Evan gets me up by 8am and then I drag both of us into the living room where I change his diaper, make him a bottle, them plop him in the floor in front of me. I try to snooze while he plays and eats his morning bottle. I don't ever go all the way to sleep, and I can hear him and everything, but I've definately been catching some extra Zzz's on the couch this week.
5. I probably wouldn't be so tired if I would just go to bed and go to sleep. It's just so hot in the house. We're trying not to turn the AC on until we absolutely need it. I'm the type of person who is almost always hot anyway, so this is really hard on me. I've been sleeping basically naked --- with no blankets or anything. And I've still been waking up hot. I'm dying, but hopefully, Danny will bring in our fan tonight to make it better. Mama needs her fan, y'all.
6. I started my period today and I hate life. I don't know if it was having a baby or the stupid birth control pills, but my hormones feel all stupid and out of wack. I seriously went crazy today and screamed and slammed a door for no reason. My hormones are making me fucking crazy. I don't know how to describe what I mean. I just feel ...unstable.
7. I'm ready for April to get here so I can start planting things and gardening. I'm ready for spring and summer to officially be here. It's been high 70s/ low 80s here all week and it's so damn tempting to go ahead and plant things. I'm listening to my grandmother and waiting though.
8. Danny appreciates me more than I could ever imagine a person doing. That might not make sense, but seriously, every single thing that I do, he appreciates it. I've been pretty good about keeping on top of the laundry every week and I've been making myself at least do one small task a day. He always notices and thanks me for it. I feel like since I'm staying at home with the baby, I should do most all of the cooking and cleaning, but the crazy thing is -- he doesn't feel that way. He doesn't mind to work 10 hours and then come home and cook dinner if I'm not in a cooking mood. I don't know how I got so freaking lucky.
9. I went to a Scentsy party on Friday night and had a really great time. :) I bought $92 worth of stuff and I cannot wait to get it all in!! I'm really considering selling Scensty seems like something I could honestly do. I'm going to do some research about it and maybe ask around to see if I know anyone who sells it that can give me some insider advice about whether it's worth it or not. I've just been thinking that I know a lot of women and I bet at least a few of them would be interested in buying. The girl that was selling it on Friday night was telling me a bit about it and she said that she makes about $100 extra a month with only doing a couple of parties a month. It would be pretty easy for me to do like one party a week or every other week since I'm home alone and bored basically all weekend.
10. I'm so ready to start trying for baby #2. We're going to start this summer after Evan turns 1. I'm so excited. And so ready.
ten things,