Feb 25, 2012 20:52
I just ate approximately 1/2 of a box of Girl Scout Cookies. By myself, while mindlessly reading blogs that I enjoy. And you know, I really feel like I needed that and I'm happy with my life and moving on now.
I have a second interview on Monday for that job that I was recently talking about. I want this so fucking badly. I can't even describe how much that I want it. I'm going crazy. I NEED THIS. Well, okay, honestly I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much because I'm pretty convinced that it's not going to work out. BUT I WANT THIS JOB, OKAY?
On Tuesday, I have a doctor's appointment with my OB/GYN to see how things are going on my cervix after the cone biopsy that I had done in October. I'm not looking forward to it. We were supposed to wait 8 weeks to have sex (we didn't) and all kinds of other stupid little things that we didn't do and now I'm nervous that something is going to be wrong and I'm going to have all of the pre-cancerous cells again and this whole nighmare is going to start over again at the beginning. I hope not, I really fucking hope not. But, we will see I suppose. I also quit taking my birth control and I just KNOW that she's going to say something stupid about it. I'm not going to start taking it again though. It's not that I want to get pregnant or anything, I just feel like the bc made me absolutely crazy. Seriously, crazy. I don't like putting that stuff in my body. End of conversation. Thank you Dr. Franklin, Have A Nice Day.
I really think that Danny having a good vacation was a positive thing for us as a family. Although I was completely emotional and crazy for the first day that he was home due to PMS (also, I'm crazy. yaknow), things got better as his vacation went on. We had a good night out of town with some great friends, even if I did get totally drunk and then talk about how much I missed my baby all night long. Ah well.
I'm ready for spring and I'm ready to start gardening.
I'm ready for the next chapter of my life to begin.
I'm ready
married life,
positve thoughts