Jan 29, 2006 19:59
watching the most incredibly boring movie in existance. i am watching it for my russian politics class. i am constantly being threatened by my friend joyce who i managed to cajool, threaten, and bribe into coming to see it with me. On the upside, if there really can even be an upside in such an occasion, i am getting tons of my knitting done. i decided to bring it with me so as to keep me awake throughout this horrible horrible boring occasion. The movie is about one of the few american bolshevik revolutionaries, Jack reed. He was a journalist and went to russia in 1917. Of course, we really didn't see that part until and hour into the movie. The entire first part of this three hour movie was all about his lovelife with some bratty little hypocrite who made tried to pretend that she was a serious write but all she wanted to talk about was random things that did not matter, like a armoire show that happened 3 years before the movie took place. She disgusts me, can you tell. Anyway, i better go back into the class, they gave us a little intermission so that we wouldn't rebell. Hope all is well with everyone else.