The truth of the matter is, I don't really care about Valentine's Day.
I stopped caring about it years ago because of negligent boyfriends who I would have to coerce into doing something nice for me on this day because I thought that is what we should be doing - even then I didn’t care that much. And I could get into the whole commercialized aspect of it but I won't. By the time the Mister came along it was pretty much a non-issue; not only do I not care to force him to do something extra special for me on a specific day of the year, he isn't really the kind of guy who observes holidays in the first place. If my birthday didn't fall on the first day of the year he would never remember it. We don't even bother exchanging Christmas presents.
Perhaps this is what happens when you date/marry/love someone who is considered a genius. Sure he has numerous degrees and can do complex calculations with page-long strings of Greek letters that I can't even fathom (he is working on a PhD in theoretical physics right now) - but when someone asks him when he got married he has to take off his wedding band and LOOK AT THE DATE! And then he laughs at how funny that is and how smart I am for getting them engraved to remind him. He also wears shorts almost everyday of the year and wool socks with birkenstocks. Fashion - not really his thing. Giving cards? Totally laughable. Absent-minded professor? You betcha!
But then, when I tell this to people they get this strange look and I feel the need to defend him. They don’t know that he is constantly giving me little presents. He was aghast at the fashionable, and very thin, toques I wore when we started dating and immediately went out and bought me something warm and practical - keeping in mind the colours I like and whether it would match my coat. When I lost that toque he went out and bought me another one. He makes me chai from scratch whenever I want it. If I am having a bad day at work he will take pictures of the Uglies on the crappy little webcam by his computer and e-mail them to me, or have some sort of comfort food on the go when I get home. He fell in love with me when I was 16 and tells people he had to wait 10-years for me to come around. And even then I was reluctant but damn he is one persistent guy and made me see realize what I had been missing. Now? Well, I miss him when I have to work late so lets not even talk about how excited I am when he comes back from a weekend away at Scout camp.
Around here, much to his little brother’s constant gagging, everyday is love day.