Journal #17 - Perfect moments

Feb 18, 2016 17:45

Today I read an article from "Selecciones Reader's Digest" entitled Perfect moments.
It suggests how to make certain times of the day and why, for example, It says that I should update my blog at 9:30 a.m., after breakfast.
Well, since today it's the first day after almost a whole year that I'm writing, I'll forgive myself. Just for this one.

Hello, hello. I'm back for a new adventure.
Something happened to me this 2016, it's inspiring and I feel so happy about it.
I quit my job and started my research for a new life, I'm learning how to cook, I'm taking a better care of my pets, I'm trying to make my home look better, I'm doing a little of exercises, and also I'm reading, I'm starting to enjoy social networks, I'm listening to new music, I'm going out to get ideas from the streets and people and I'm watching anime (everybody should follow Boku dake ga Inai Machi, t's so GOOD. And Re:Life!).
Of course I'm still designing, but now I'm getting risky with it. Along with Miguel, we're building the web for our first big project together; it's named Studio Seven and we want to make it all about arts.

We know we have a long way to go before even being able to see that this study takes shape, but now it's the perfect moment.
This year I'm turning 25 and have new goals for the future. One of them is to become a blogger (probably in a couple of years).
I used to be one a long time ago. I had two blogs and they were about, you know, funny stuff about my family, fiction, news about the music band I liked, and that. Because of that experience, I learnt I could be funny, committed, kind of obsessive... and I could get followers, which was something very impressive for me. Anyways, I always wanted one more blog that would be personal and beautiful, like Bri Emery's Design Love Fest, Joy's Oh, joy!, or to have a journal on Instagram like Bonnie Tsang.

I'm not really interested about writing about my work, but about ALL the things that inspires me and what I can do with that inspiration.
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss is one of those things I need to talk about. (I finished reading it yesterday, it was perfect *sniff*).
So, my compromise is this. I’m going to update my LJ at least once a week (9:30 a.m.) purely experimental. Along with taking a photo for Instagram everyday. It's my first week, wish me luck!
See you!

journal : p, life, dear journal

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