Journal #13 - Thank you, 2013

Jan 19, 2014 02:17

wow... What a year xD
I just read my last entry (31 august, 2013) and realized I always come back to LJ feeling guilty about leaving it while I work. It seems like I always had a bunch of ideas I wanted to live up and couldn't run.
And... well, I can still relate to the feeling, but it's time to shake things up this year, ok?
I’ve learned more this year than ever before. and one of the biggest things i’ve learned is that you can do everything. You just have to keep doing what you love till your dreams come true.

*So, firstly, I will update livejournal as soon as I can, because I love it and it keeps me excited about my personal projects and plans. It also makes me smile because it's bright and beautiful.
*Secondly, I will improve my organization. My boyfriend is so opposite to me in this sence, he's already helping me out and gave me an agenda and a calendar... I need to put myself into it now.

Oh, right. I'm in love. I have a boyfriend ♥
He's kind of the best thing that happened to me this 2013 so I'll stop for a second to say something about us.
I feel connected to Miguel and proud of the relationship we're trying to build. We’re not perfect and we're like... newlyweds but, relationships take work and time, and we’re working at it at a good pace. It feels exciting to plan things to look forward to together and he makes me really happy (:
We could have met several times before but we just did now and it's perfect.

Going back to my list,

*I'll have more tact when speaking.
*I won't stop making lists. It's amazing what I can accomplish when I write some ideas down. I just have to be organized.
*Working hard.
*Listening to music... in Spanish.
*I will travel to Cuzco with Miguel and my sister.
*I'll do more of what I love. Taking more photos, reading more, singing more. Enjoy life, friendship and romance more than last year.

journal : p, dear journal

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