(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 21:45

Thanks to all of you who replied to my anniversary post.  I was so thankful for all of your nice comments.  I wish I could respond individually but we no longer have LJ access at work and I'm just beat by the time I get home from work.  And now with school having started.  Its a dream of mine to spend more time here!  A girl can still dream!

For Janet, because you asked...
So I spent some time looking back at some pictures of me and I realized that I very rarely allowed pictures to be taken of me.  I'm conveniently placed behind the camera in 99% of all pictures.  I did come up with these, though...

These were all the incentive I needed to start my diet.  All taken in June/July 2007

Drew and Evan started school on Monday and the first day went perfect.  Both boys were just fine with going to school and with me leaving.  I was so worried about them but they did great.  I knew that they would but I think I was secretly hoping one would have missed me.  Evan did a little but he's such a tough dude that it didn't last long.

Lastly, I'm going to add the link to my Uppercase Living website now that I have everything up and running.  http://melissad.uppercaseliving.net/

Take a look at the catalog under the products tab and let me know if anything interests you.  I can place individual orders so its easy to host a catalog party.  I love the products they are so beautiful and personal.

Ok!  /end self-promotion

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