i am so fricken sick of trying to do anything right now, its all going to hell. firstly, all i want to do is figure out how to get my hair done, but i cant find any pics of how i want to dye it and i have to be born with ugly frizz fro hair that cant be cut into anything stylish, so im left with having retarded hair that i ate, ga. And then, just when i make peace with taking a $7.65/h job at the casino working roughly 27.5 hours a week, that i have no idea if i can even do, or want to do, and finally accept that im not exactly gonna be living in the money, stupid gay fricken petland calls me at 10 effing PM!?! and asks me if i want to set up an interview tomorrow, like first of all, who the hell phones applicants to set up interviews at 10pm?! and i was soo caught off guard i think i just like stuttered out a response like "i guess so" auh im in such fricken turmoil now thinking about how frustrating it will be if i get an offer from petland thats relaly good, and i'll get more money and i'll have to be the ass that aborts working at the casino, or i'll fuck myself over and try to work both of them on some retarded schedule and self destruct, or maybe they wont hire me at all, which might be the best stress free solution to all of this but i soo badly want to work with the cute little puppies. ARGHG!!!! i hate choices!!!! HATE THEM!!! and im soo NOT in the mood for an interview either :[ and lastly where the hell is my boyfriend?! not that i would want to date me after reading this either, but like piss off world, if i cant have the good hair, a kickass job, a decent car, or a chanel purse, at least give me something here AUH! and another thing! whatever the hell is inside my hoodie that has been poking me in teh back all nite, can stop.