Mar 08, 2005 20:46
sittin' here, bored. there's nothin' to do, not even homework. i already got it done, which is amazing. lol! i usually get my homework done right before i go to bed. oh well.
today in school we had the practice for the spring program which is thursday. i can't believe it's already here! dude, i don't know any of the songs or anything! lol! and it's what? tuesday? i'm sad.
well, anywho. i feel kinda anxious, but i don't know from what. it's like, i'm waiting for something to happen and i want it to come already. i just don't know what that something is. it's kinda hard to explain, ya know?
i'm officially obsessed with frankie j. lol! random, but true. everyday now when i come home from school, i sit at the computer and listen to frankie j. to bad i can't burn the song onto a cd, cindy (lady i'm stayin with) doesn't have a cd burner on her computer. so i'm stuck listenin to it on aol. which isn't bad but ya know, i'd kinda like to have the song with me so i can listen to it anywhere instead of just on the computer.
anywho. yeah. i'm obsessed. like, frankie j, he's just so sweet and his music isn't bad on the ears either! lol! but i was readin' an interview he did and he said somethin' like "it matters to me what the girl is like on the inside, not the outside." or it was at least along those lines. but i was like "aw!" if only he was!
aw well. i'll live. but his song, obsession, i love it! so much! when you sing it all the time at school and all of a sudden your friends know all the words by heart, then you know your obsessed! lol!