After posting about these books waaaay back in May, I just got these this weekend. My quest for the two seems to have been cursed, as the first copy was lost in the mail (after I was out $20 for it OTL). I could have given up after that, but unfortunately, the event only lit a fire under my ass, as having the book come so close got me really worked me up. In the end, I ordered them off a used book dealer through Rinkya, who I swear I will never be using again. See, I went with them over Crescent Shop, my usual deputy service, (gotta start stalking it for C76 stuff soon lawl) because the fees looked a bit cheaper. Little did I know that instead of charging a one time fee, they'd repeatedly add the same fee at many points of the transaction. Talk about a money sink! In the end I had to shell out $40 apiece for these books! That's, like, highway robbery! (rimshot)
So, was it worth it? Uh, HELL YEAH! Even though the story isn't a thing like I'd expected, it's full of sweet action scenes, something I've been mad craving for a while. There's just one, fairly major, problem with the series as a whole. See that second cover? I'm sure you're wondering why it's so different from the first. See, that's actually the sketch that was on the binding of the first volume. The reason? The story is unfinished, which is a major bummer since I was digging the hell out of the art. Wakako Oba, author, seemed to have released these and just dropped off the face of the planet. I can't find any other series by this guy/gal, no mention of them online, nothing.
It's kind of creeping me out, maaaaaaan. Does anyone have any info on this?