Aug 24, 2008 17:33
So here I was, hoping JC Staff would go epic with ZnT3 after ZnT2's brilliance finale, but they didn't even bother trying to fix the trainwreck that was 02. Instead of getting 02 without all the boob jokes and going back to 01's formula, JC instead tries to go 01 with boobs, and ugh, is it terrible. To make matters worse, they've switched Louise from a quirky tsundere to a demonized bitch. I love Louise, but even I'M having a hard time tolerating her in 03. This is completely asinine. Please tell me I'm not the only one having these thoughts! I just finished episode 4, and I don't even know if I want to bother with episode 5. Hot spring/bath episode? God, more boob garbage. Couldn't they at least make the anime saucy instead of mindless? I mean, the novels were borderline softcore porn, and THOSE managed to balance it with good plot.
Speaking of which, what happened to Saito? He was always, ♥ LOUISE~~~, but now he's just kind of "meh" all over her. It was hilarious when he spent the entire first episode trying to get in her pants, but after that he just sort of forgot. Did she cockblock him one too many times or something? I really want to keep watching this in case it gets JAWSOME again, but am I really willing to trudge through all this garbage? I mean, it's not even good fanservice. It's just watching Tiffania's boobs swaying. By the way, SS-Eclipse wrote out her nickname as "Tifa". I had a hard time watching that episode ;_; After that I started checking out Osu!'s stuff (which had it written as "Tiffa", which makes more sense with how it's said), but their translations are just repulsive. I can't win!
So instead, I started watching Macross. Not Frontier. Like, 1982 Macross. God, that's epic.
Why does most recent anime suck?
(Except Soul Eater. I just watched Soul Eater 20. OH MY GOD THAT WAS AMAZING)