WGD? Ch3

Dec 23, 2010 02:28



Tossing his mobile phone onto Onew's bed, Minho lifted the bottle of Vodka to his lips, sucking down half it's contents in minutes. He felt like shit.

How could he have done that to Nichkhun? HIS Nichkhun?

The bitter taste of the alcohol flooding his tastebuds. It tasted disgusting but he needed it more now than when he opened it an hour ago. The manager would kill him for finding and raiding his hidden stash of booze but Minho didn't care, not right at this moment. He just wanted to get shit-faced drunk, forget about everything, including his Khunnie.

Breaking up with the beautiful Thai guy was the hardest thing he had ever done but he felt it was necessary. The relationship wouldn't last, not now Nichkhun had Victoria, his wife.

As much as it broke his heart, it was what was best. Nip it in the bud before he gets the dreaded call, not even that, maybe just a text, to say that Nichkhun had fallen for his We Got Married partner and who would blame him. Not Minho. As competitive as he is, he knew he could never compete with the sensational looking leader of FX, for one reason and one reason only, she was a woman. If Nichkhun wasn't desperate to bed her, he was insane. Not that Minho was into her but he could see her appeal and he knew how well her and Khun were getting along lately, he wasn't blind. Nichkhun looked at her different, touched her differently, more intimately than he should. It was like a sharp spike had pierced his very soul, torn his heart from his chest and crumpled it into pieces on the floor.

He let it slide for a while, ignoring the obvious chemistry in the air everytime the two were together in the same room, the way they laughed, joking like boyfriend and girlfriend in their perfect English. He couldn't ignore it anymore though, maybe it was the alcohol, he didn't know for certain, couldn't be 100% sure but he knew it had to end tonight. If Nichkhun wasn't in love with her already, he soon would be. He was only protecting himself from the inevitable.

Gulping down four more large mouthful's of the bitter liquid, Minho felt tears welling behind his closed eyes. Just because he knew it was coming, didn't make it hurt any less. It made it hurt more to some extent. He was fighting back the urge to let go and bawl like a banshee when the bedroom door swung open. He opened his eyes and through the blur of his water filled orbs, he saw a figure rushing towards him.

"Hyung, what happened?"

Taemin's, no longer cute but very manly voice reached his ears and it happened, the floodgates opened up, tears streaming down his face like mini waterfalls.

The young dancer threw himself onto the bed beside his hyung enveloping Minho in his embrace as he did.

"Sshhh, what happened hyung?" the confused teenager repeated his earlier question whilst rubbing small soothing circles on the charasmatic rapper's back. The cold glass of the Vodka bottle pressed into Taemin's ribcage between the two. He reached down and pulled it away, glancing to make sure the lid was on it before tossing it onto Onew's bed. The loud clank of the booze hitting Minho's mobile phone making the younger man jump a little.

Minho wrapped his arms fully around his dongsaeng as he wept uncontrollably, pulling Taemin as close as he could get him, burying his face into his exposed collarbone, inhaling the scent of Jonghyun hyungs aftershave that the younger man had no doubt sprayed all over himself whilst their hyung was otherwise too engaged right then to notice.

"I..........left...........him" Minho breathed, voice shaky and unsteady, words barely intelligable but Taemin heard what he said and it confused him. His brow furrowed, he felt his hyung pull him closer, closing his knees together slightly as if to trap his dongsaeng there, putting a halt on any escape plans if he had any. Thank god he didn't.

"What.....hyung, i don't....."

"Nichkhun, i broke up with him" Minho interrupted, yelling at Taemin, he didn't mean to be short with the younger male, he just didn't want to talk about it, he wanted to forget all about tonight. Flush it out of his system as quickly as possible.

Taemin didn't say a word, he could barely think. Minho had split up with Nichkhun hyung, it didn't add up. They were perfect together, like salt and pepper, Ivory and Ebony, without each other, it didn't make any sense. This had to be wrong. He had to have heard incorrectly. He didn't though and he knew it.


Minho sat back, red, tear soaked eyes, filled with pain looking directly into Taemin's. Flutter of a smile crossing his lips, he reached his hand up to stroke his dongsaeng's cheek, fingers toying over the light brown locks that had fallen onto his pretty face. He really was a sight to behold. Lucifer had showed the world Taemin as a man. A strong, handsome man with the kindest heart.

"Hyung...." Taemin breathed, he didn't know what to say to make it better. The way Minho was looking at him, the hurt evident in his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to take that pain away. Shoulder some of it, if he could.

"Taemin" barely a whisper as Minho leaned forward, face centimeter's from Taemin's, so close their noses touched. He swear's he could hear the maknae's heart thumping loudly in his chest as he got ever more closer.

Minho's eyes fluttered closed as he connected their lips, his arm's hooking underneath Taemin's armpits to pull them both together, hands settling on his back as he swept his tongue out to caress the other man's bottom lip, asking for entrance. He could feel the stiffness in his dongsaeng but it was only fleeting as he began to respond to the kiss, opening his mouth, allowing Minho's hot, wet muscle free reign on his own.

Minho smirked against Taemin's mouth as he felt the younger man's arm's encircle his waist, the maknae's body pressing tight against his own. He needed this. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, right now, he didn't care. He just wanted to forget.

A loud gasp from the bedroom doorway causing both boys to pull out of the kiss and look towards that direction.

Standing there, rain soaked, breathing heavy, confusion and hurt written all over his handsome face, Nichkhun looked back and forth between the two men on the bed. What the hell was going on? Is this why Minho broke up with him? A hard, stabbing pain in his chest almost crippling him as he turned and walked, hurriedly from the room. The shouts from Minho behind him, pleading with him, begging him to wait, to listen falling on deaf ears. Never had he felt so used, so stupid, so broken,

So angry.

pairing, minho, korean, kpop, 2pm, shinee, yaoi, khunmin, fanfic, minkhun, couple, fanfiction, nichkhun

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