
Feb 28, 2011 20:28

Title : Moments Like These
Author : melfaescotland
Pairing : Joon/Mir Changsun/Cheolyong (Joomi)
Rating : PG
Summary : Mir gets up early to spend some alone time with Joon
A/N : Written very, very early in the morning, so please forgive any and all suckiness =P
         P.S Forgot to post this aaaaaaaaaaages ago, mianhae~


"OKAAAAAY, they're gone" Mir raced into the bedroom, leaping on the bed causing ripples to stir the mattress and the grumpy man laying stretched across it.

"Cheolyong~" Joon mumbled as he buried his head further under the duvet, "its too freaking early"

Mir rolled his eyes, climbing atop the soft warm lump that was his boyfriend


He began digging in the covers, attempting to pull them up and off of Joon's head but he was met with resistance at every tug. He tutted and sighed loudly

"Changsun, come on honey, get up"

He knew Joon couldn't resist his whiny, cute baby voice

Changsun pushed the covers down his body to his chest, poking his head up, hair sticking in all directions, eyes only barely open as he looked into Mir's wide puppy dog eyes, pout pushing his bottom lip out, sad expression crossing his perfect features.

"What is it Yongieeeee?"

Joon's voice coming out as barely a croak as he reached his hand out to stroke his lovers arm

"Be with me baby, i want today to be fully about joomi"

He giggled as he said their fan appointed couple name. He liked it, the way it rolled off his tongue, made him feel like he was a real somebody. With his Joonie he was always somebody. Alone he often felt small, which was part of the reason he was so loud, only part of the reason though, it was mostly due to him being, completely and utterly bat shit crazy. He smirked at his last thought, a full blown insult on himself but he found it funny, as he stated, he was bat shit crazy.

Changsun's brow furrowed as he watched the corners of Mir's mouth turn up, smile gracing his lips, distant look in his eyes. He did that alot, funny things whirling in his overactive brain, smiling to himself, mind completely torn from the real world and into his own. It stayed there too if you left him to ponder long enough.

A soft chuckle escaped Joon's slightly parted lips. Mir glanced over, his own smile widening in reaction to Changsun's as he reached his hand across the bed and tightly clasped his hyungs.

"Come here Miru~"

Changsun pulled his lover into his embrace, burying his face into his neck, placing a chaste kiss to the warm, smooth skin there.

Cheolyong's breath ghosted over the top of Joon's head, causing his hair to stir a little in the wake of the gentle air escaping Mir's lungs.

"Shift over a bit honey, let me in"

"Course" Joon replied as he lifted the cover higher and then wrapping it tight around Cheolyong as he scooted into Joon's embrace, throwing his arm over his waist and smiling when he felt the gesture being returned.

Changsun pressed his lips to Cheolyongs forehead, leaving a tiny, wet mark on his skin there before pulling back and looking deeply into Mir's eyes as he raised his hand to touch it to his dongsaengs face and caress his cheek.

"What time is it?" a long drawn out yawn escaping Changsun's mouth as he spoke

"Its a little after six"

"What?" Joon's eyes widened as he raised his head from the pillow a little "Why did you wake me up so early baby?"

Mir squirmed, feeling a little sheepish under his hyungs intense gaze, a smile splitting his face though when he realized Changsun wasn't angry just surprised at being awoken so early. Mir knew Joonie would be shocked at the knowledge alone that Mir was awake at this time himself.

"To spend all day with you, we haven't been alone together for ages and i miss you" he hid his face into Joon's chest, inhaling deeply the sweet scent that he found there.

"Me too honey, so very much" Joon's hand cupped under his lovers chin, bringing his face up to meet his own, he grinned at the baby faced boy he found as their eyes met

"How about we sleep for a little bit first though, as much i ache to spend every second with you right now, my eyes are unwilling to relent in their pursuit for more sleep"

Seeing the disappointment wash over Mir's angelic features, he sighed

"I'm sorry Miru~ baby, i want to stay awake but my body needs to rest"

The expression unchanged on his lover, Joon continued

"But we can lay here and hold one another while we sleep and when we wake up, i will make us both some food and we can watch a movie, or whatever you wanna do baby, its up to you today"

Cheolyongs face lit up


Changsun nodded

"Good, because i want to do absolutely nothing today but stay right here, snuggled up against you"

Changsun's mouth dropped open in a silent O

"But you woke me up so early, telling me to get up"

Cheolyong nodded, small giggles rising from his throat.

"I know but you convinced me and besides, since i crawled in here beside you, i don't wanna leave anymore"

Joon tutted, smile creeping to the edges of his lips. This was so like Cheolyong, full of energy and excitement one minute the very next, tired out and being all cute as sleep descended upon him.

Pulling a warm, cosy Mir tight against his body, Joon let his heavy eyes flutter closed, this was bliss. He loved the loud, crazily insane Cheolyong with all his heart but these were the times he cherished the most. The times when everything was quiet and calm as the lovers drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep, arms encircling each others bodies, hearts beating so close together, ticking away as a unit, as one being, for thats what they were, they were two persons with one soul, two persons placed on this planet to be with each other.

Yes, Changsun, truly did love these moments, these stolen moments that made Joon thank whatever god had brought this breathtaking angel into his life.

These moments were love, nothing more, nothing less.

joomi, pairing : joomi, joonmir, joon/mir, kpop, fanfic, fanfiction, mblaq

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