odds and ends and a party!

Nov 03, 2008 14:53

I'm really excited about something... but I'm trying not to be... because when I get excited, then I get my hopes up, and then things don't work out and I'm disappointed. So scrap that. I'm not excited. Not at all. Everything's dull.

So I made my own Challah (traditional Jewish egg bread) this weekend and it was awesome - it turned out even better than I'd hoped. And I've decided that I really enjoy baking. I was having a conversation with a friend recently who loves cooking but can't bake. And I'm the opposite (well, I can cook, I just prefer baking). I think for most people it's kind of one or the other - either you really like baking or you really like cooking - but not both. Anyways, I definitely fall into the baking category.

I ran for 8 minutes straight this weekend... I'm not sure I've ever been able to run for that long... working out with Nelson must actually be working!

Many of you know that I have lower back issues... I tend to be in pain a lot... crack my back... it's an old dance injury and it's purely muscular. Over the 5 years or so that I've had it I've gone for many massages which help, but never complete relief. I've always felt a constant state of tension in my lower back. Well Saturday I went for a massage and the massage therapist asked if she could work on my hips (after I explained the original injury and what circumstances it flairs up in). So she worked on my hips... and it worked. I stood up and felt no tension. I can't remember the last time I felt like that. On Sunday I cleaned, worked out, and stood in the kitchen for a while baking and cooking. Each of these activities on their own usually makes my back hurt a lot, but all 3 combined I would normally be in serious pain... but yesterday, nothing! It's a miracle! I'm kind of still in shock... I'm sure it will come back, but if I get regular massages I should be feeling much less pain overall! WOOHOO!

And finally...
I'm having a Chanukah party. Saturday Dec 13 - mark your calenders now... eventually I'll send out a facebook invite. I promise Jewish-y food (potato latkes, challah, desserts) and general party type food (chips) and good old fashioned fun (no idea what that's supposed to mean). Anyways, I hope to see you all there!
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