Decade ago meme

Jun 05, 2008 10:27

1) How old were you?
THEN: 19
NOW: 29

2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: Was at University in Liverpool
NOW: Nowhere

3) Where did you work?
THEN: Weekend job working for Black Decker selling Power Tools. You try saying 'So Sir, how does the tool feel in your hand?' with a straight face..
NOW: Project officer for the The Higher Education Academy

4) Where did you live?
THEN: ON the edge of Kensington.
NOW: By the river in York, in a bit that doesn't get flooded :)

5) How was your hairstyle?
THEN: Long.
NOW: Shaven, but not quite a chrome dome

6) Did you wear braces?
THEN: Not by then
NOW: Nope

7) Did you wear contacts?
NOW: Only for LARP events

8) Did you wear glasses?
NOW: Not any more.

9) Who was your best friend?
THEN: There were a few , John, Guy, Matt, Tony were probably the main ones.
NOW: Not sure tbh.

10) Which of your pets was still alive?
THEN: None
NOW: Steerpike and Fuschia, our cats.

11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
THEN: Cath 'It tastes like soap' Hitchin
NOW: None, I have a wife!

12) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: The female bassist with White Zombie
NOW: Angelina Jolie.

13) Who was your regular-person crush?
THEN: Unfortunately my girlfriend..
NOW: Pass.

14) How many piercings did you have?
NOW: 6

15) How many tattoos did you have?
NOW: 0

16) What was your favourite band/singer?
THEN: White Zombie, Slayer, Cubanate
NOW: The Tiger Lillies, Panzer Ag

17) Had you smoked cigarettes?
NOW: Yep

18) Had you got drunk?
THEN: Regularly, what else are student loans for?
NOW: Not that often.

19) Had you DRIVEN?
NOW: Not recently

20) If so which car?
THEN: Mini Cooper
NOW: We don't have a car.

21) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2008?
Not at all. I have a Wife, Children, Pets, a House and a decent job before I am thirty.
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