The first day of the year...

Mar 25, 2008 19:31

To-day is 25 March, the first day of the year in the Old-Style calendar used in British dominions until 1752. Because I have nothing better to do, I'll use this as an excuse to do some reviewing!

Television grades for 2007 A.D. O.S.

Doctor Who (Lambert era):  A-
Doctor Who (Bryant era): B+
Doctor Who (Letts era): A
Doctor Who (Hinchcliffe era): B+
Doctor Who (Williams era): A+, not because it's really objectively great, but just because it hits ALL OF my kinks
Doctor Who (JNT era): B-
Doctor Who (Rustbucket era): C- compared to all television, D- compared to the rest of Doctor Who
Avatar: A-
The Prisoner: A
Neon Genesis Evangelion: B+ when understandable, A+ when not (yes, it's better when it's incomprehensible!)
Sapphire and Steel: A
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu: Bounces back and forth between C- and A+ with very little in between; more often fantastic than abysmal, so overall grade A-

Book grades for 2007 A.D. O.S.

The Lord Peter Wimsey Series: A so far
The Name of the Rose: A+
The Master and Margarita: A+
Nights at the Circus: A
The God Delusion: F
Either/Or: A-
The Mother Tongue: A
A Short History of Nearly Everything: B+
Bill Bryson in general: BEST EVER

Real-life grades for 2007 A.D. O.S.

Friends: B+; despite some minor betrayals and jerking me about, I still love these guys, half-genius and half-jerkass as they all are
Romantic relationships: D. Let's not go there
Family: I am NOT grading my own FAMILY! (A-)
Health: B; would be A if not for the knee
Life in general: B+

It's worth noting that this entry is purposely designed to draw in comments over the next four days, thus maintaining some level of residual journal activity while I'm away!

avatar, my so-called friends, other fine programming, books is good, my psycho ex, actual real life, my crazy family, weird anime, doctor who

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