(no subject)

Jul 20, 2011 22:39

So I had a nice day with my best friend from high school. We watched period dramas/romances/however the hell else you would classify a marathon of Ever After, Elizabeth, and A Room with a View, ate chocolate ice cream, and bitched about our lives. I needed that, given some personal stuff that's been going on and the fact that I hadn't seen her in about a month (unusual, for summer).

I'm still reading A Dance with Dragons. Ramsay Bolton needs to die a horrible screaming death, preferably at either Stannis's hands or (somehow, not sure how exactly this would go) Arya's. Speaking of Stannis, he is actually pretty awesome in a terrifying way. Also awesome is Davos. And Lord Manderly. And Bran and Meera and Jojen. In fact the entire North plotline is full of awesome people.

Dany's lust for what's-his-name continues to be so tiresome. I like the Essos plotline okay but honestly if this is how Essos is going to go I could just as soon read a whole book about the North and wait for Dany to just show up on Dragonstone after doing whatever. I don't see where this is going. I want Tyrion to go to Braavos, not Meereen. I'm actually enjoying what's going on with Victarion, so I'd like more of the Iron Fleet and less of some Dornishman who to the best of my recollection we'd never seen hide nor hair of until this book.

It's almost a hundred degrees Fahrenheit here. The Stark house words are seeming less like a warning and more like a promise that I'd like to hold them to.

books is good, actual real life

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