
Dec 26, 2010 17:06

The last most of you had heard from me, I'd just got back from watching True Grit. Since then, many things have happened.

On Christmas Eve, I made dinner (bubuzuke with the rice cooked in tawny port), which I think turned out pretty well, then opened one present, the first season of Marimite. I watched the first three episodes with my bemused mother, and we went to church at eleven in the evening. The service was beautiful. After that I talked a bit to judamacaby and we watched this gorgeous AMV.

I got up at about noon on Christmas Day, took a phone call from judamacaby (she wished me a merry Christmas and discussed the rare-for-where-she-lives snow that she had to drive in), and opened the rest of my presents, starting with chibirachy 's Simoun genga and continuing through copies of several anthropological monographs and works of progressive Christian social theory from my mother. After reading some of my books I watched the Doctor Who Christmas special, which was genuinely touching in parts and probably the best Christmas special they've done so far. Dinner was stuffed artichokes and a kind of very dense Italian bread made by my mother from recipes that her mother used to use every Christmas. It was delicious. Later I talked to silverzephyr13 , judamacaby , and Maya some more. silverzephyr13 is in upstate New York visiting her family. After talking to them I just kind of crashed. It was pretty late by that point and to-day I stayed in bed until well in the afternoon

I'm not doing much to-day. It's snowing a considerable amount but the ~*~MONSTER STORM~*~ that the sensationalist local news was warning of doesn't appear to have materialised. I'm glad. It doesn't look like Maya's train will be delayed. She's coming to visit to-morrow.

my so-called friends, doctor who, simoun, holidays, my crazy family, joy

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