Things I've done lately.

Jun 06, 2009 11:24

I haven't made a good, long post in a long time, have I?
  • Last weekend at church Reverend Meeks discussed his college years with me, because he had a similarly disaffected and intellectually unstimulating social experience. Apparently colleges were filled with pretentious, hedonistic dillweeds in the eighties, too.
  • Vaguely tangentially related, I had one of those arguments that's impossible to win due to the sheer self-righteousness of your opponent on atraphoenix 's journal. I soon got incoherent and ranty because of how insanely stiff-necked the other person was. I'm sorry, but if you non-ironically subscribe to logical positivism and repeatedly characterise anybody who doesn't as an idiot while deliberately misunderstanding their views to suit your own agenda, I reserve the right to call you a self-superior asshole no matter what atraphoenix , even though she's a friend of mine, thinks of you.
  • shizumaslover has been reading some of the non-fiction essays that I've been writing as breaks from my longer fiction. She has a great deal of confidence in my abilities and loves my writing, which embarrasses me as compliments usually do.
  • My mother's been violently depressed lately. She's advised me to try to avoid her for my own good. So I've been doing.
  • There's not that much food in my house. I've been subsisting mainly on shitty microwaved beans.
  • Why won't Rush Limbaugh shut the fuck up already? No, wait, scratch that--I don't think I want him to. The more he talks, the more he discredits the Republican Party. Godspeed.

writing things, why?, religion, raaage!, my crazy family, politics, news

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