Wisdowm teeth

Feb 04, 2006 08:57

I got my wisdown teeth out yesterday, the nitros knocked me up, and I woke up about to puke, I started asking the oral sergoin if I was done yet, he laughed and said I know I'm good but not that good. They gave me an iv in my arm and it didn't work there so to my hand it went. The next thing I knew I woke up in a wheelchair. Yesterday I was doing alright, puked a lot, not too much pain. But now I wake up and I'm preatty sore prbably from sleeping on my side. I got a new kitty and he is the ctest thing I have ever seen. We also got a chinchilla last Saturday he is a baby and very cute too. I will post pictures soon. I'm getting my hair died blonde today, and CAMRON is finally getting a haircut.

If you feel lead to pray, please pray for my mouth, that it heals up quick and correctly.

God bless.

Go Seahawks, we got a new tv - 50in it's amazing, and so will be the superbowl!
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