Bored in the Orientation Office with nothing better to do

Sep 06, 2005 14:21

Section 1 - Basics]
Name: Melissa Escalona
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: too much
Ring size: I don't know....
Pants size: depends
Shirt size: medium
Shoe size: 7
Piercings: None
Tatoos: None
Hair color: Red
Hair length: Pratty long
Eye color: Green
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Chinese zodiac sign: Rat
Body type/size: average
Birthday: September 8
Birthplace: Fort Worth, TX
Place now: Miami, Fl
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic...
School and grade/year: College, "sort of a junior"
Natural hair color: Brown
GPA: haha... blah
Blood type: I don't know.
Hobbies: drawing, reading, watching movies/listening to music
I.Q.: I think it's 120 or something like that
Do you excercise: Yes, sometimes.
Are you healthy: Yes
Fun?: Yes
Serious?: Oh yeah.
Sarcastic?: Not really.
Funny?: Yup!.... dorky/funny
Cute?: I'll leave that to you.
Pretty?: People tell me I am.
Good-looking?: I'll leave that to you
Beautiful?: Read above
Optimistic?: Yes
Smart?: Yes
Oppinionated?: Yes
Outgoing?: Sometimes.
Shy?: Only sometimes... =)
Unique?: Sure... we all are.
Sweet?: Yes... I know that one for a fact as well.
Hyper?: Depending upon the situation.
Talkative?: Sure am
Creative?: Yes
Imaginative?: Yes
Gloomy?: No
Happy?: Now more than ever.
Depressed?: Nope! Not for a while.
Silly?: YEs
Loud?: not really
Quiet?: I am at sometimes.
Dependant?: Yes...unfortunately.
Loyal?: Yes.
Truthful?: Yes.
Clever?: At times.
Confident?: At times.
Annoying?: At time... lol.
Artistic?: Yes
Musical?: Eh...
Poetic?: Yes
Charming?: I think so.
Wise?: Not quite.
Special?: My mommy says so
Magical?: Magically delicous ;)
Sensitive?: At times
Lustful?: Maybe ;)
Sexy?: I'll leave this to you
Horny?: YES! lol...jk
Loving?: Sure
Lazy?: Hahahah yes.
Stylish?: Maybe.
Normal?: Not abnormal
Psycho?: No
Goofy?: Yes
Brave?: In my own right.

[Section 2 - This or that about you]
Righty/lefty/either: Righty
Glasses/contacts/none: COntacts...
Punk/goth/prep/thug/??: I'm just be but i guess I fit in th eprep one
Innie/outie: innie
Tan/pale/average/??: Average...white
Freckles/none: I have a lot of those little black birth marks.

[Section 3 - Family]
Mom's name: Aracelis
Dad's name: Guillermo
Siblings/their names/their ages: Vanessa: 21, Jessica: 18
Dead family members: Wow... Magaly Escalona and many more.
Do you live with your siblings?: With my older one... my lil one moved out. She's a rebel.
Parents married/divorced/neither?: Married
Parents together/separated/dating/none?: Together
Do you have any stepparents?: N/a
Ex-stepparents?: n/a
Do you have any children of your own?: NO
If so, what are their names and ages? If not, do you want any?: n/a

[Section 4 - Favorites]
Color: Teal... red... and many more depending upon my mmod.
Food: Italian, and Mexican...etc.
Drink: Water and white milk.
Candy: Reeces Pieces...
Flavor: Anything sweet.
Movie: Wow... I can't just pick one.
Band: Too many.
Show: Many!... That 70's Show, Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens... etc
Game: Parcheesi
Element: Water
Music type: A lot....
Actor: Matt Damon, Steve Martin, Woody Allen,... and more.
Actress: Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman
Month: September
Season: Spring
Holiday: New Years
Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene Pro V
Song: Who can pick just one???...
Number: 8
Phrase: oki doki poki
Word: WORD
Magazine: Hmm... I really don't read them as much
Restaurant: Chevy's
Sport: BasketBall/VolleyBall
Animal: Dogs
Language: Spanish even though I slaughter it
Girl's name: Anabelle
Boy's name: ??? I don't know
Flower: Sunflowers/Daisy/Tulips etc
Country: Italy/Greece
Weather: pleasant
Person: My dad.

[Section 5 - Sex]
Sexual orientation: Straight
Are you a virgin?: Yes I am... surprised? I didn't think so.
Do you like to have sex?: I don't know. I've never done it. I'm sure I'd enjoy myself.
Do you like to have oral sex?: I don't know
Do you like to have anal sex?: Nooooooooooooo
Do you like to give more or get more?: ???
Do you usually give more or get more?: ???
Does size matter?: I hear that it really doesnt cuz it's all a matter of knowing what you're doing. And if it's too big it hurts and you can walk! LoL It happens ;) trust me.
Do you like to kiss?: Sure
French kiss?: Yea
Make out?: sure
Favorite position: ???
Are you more dominant?: I don't think so.
Or more submissive?: Probably.
Are you more sadistic?: No
Or more masochistic?: no
Do you like to use toys?: ???
Cuffs?: No
Bondage?: no
Wax?: ???How
Clothes pins/ clamps?: ???
Chains?: No
Gags?: no
Collars?: ???
Leashes?: No
Whips?: Ouch
Paddles?: no
Other things?: no
Do you look at porn?: No
Do you masturbate?: I don't actually.

[Section 6 - Friends]
Would you consider yourself a good friend? yes
Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?: few
Who is your best friend?: Susy and Emy
Do you have a lot of friends?: Kinda do, but Im the bad one that doesnt keep in touch
How many good friends would you say you had?: like 8
Are you a good friend?: Yes
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?: Yes
Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?: No
Do you tend to be more outgoing or shy?: Outgoing and shy , depends upon who i'm with.
Do you consider yourself to be better than your friends?: no
Do you consider you and your friends to be better than everyone else?: Than lots of people I know, yes.
Do you think your friends ever get tired of you?: no
Do you ever get tired of your friends?: Not really.
Do you like to make new friends?: I like to meet new people but it takes a lot for people to actually become a friend.
Do you talk a lot?: kinda
Are you nervous when you talk to people?: no
Do you ever say your someone's friend just to make them feel good?: no
Do you ever lie about who your friends are?: no
Do you ever play people as friends to make yourself look good?: no

[Section 7 - Love]
Do you believe in love?: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I don't think so.
What is love?: Haddaway... lol. "Love is a many slendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong; all we need is love!"- Moulin Rouge
Have you ever been love?: Not, unfortunately! Sometimes I thought I was but in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't.
Are you now?: no
Have you ever told someone you loved them?: My family and friends
If so, were you telling the truth? If not, would you? Yes I was telling in truth.
Are you married/divorced/neither?: Single and ready to mingle baby ;) I'm mingling actually.
Are you with someone/single/dating/none?: I'm dating this amazing kid. ;)
Do you believe in soulmates?: sure
Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?: I think so, if I'd let it happen.
Different ethnicity?: yes
Same gender?: no
Different political views?: yes
Do you love certain material possesions?: No... only people.
Certain hobbies?: yes
Your friends?: yes
Your family?: yes
Yourself?: Yes
Do you have a crush?: TOTALLY INfatuatedddd!
Do you date people just because of how they look?:
Do you care how people look?: No... I mean I only date or get close to people I know as friends first. I think thats important
Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?: As I said int he above statement.... if they are a friend first i start to love them for who they are... I don't know how to explain it but my love makes them beautiful in my eyes.
Would you date someone hott even if they were assholes?: NO
Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?: I don't know...
Would you date someone for their money? NO
Would you use someone?: No
Have you used someone?: NO
Have you dated someone just for their money?: No
Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good- is this the second time they ask this???
Have you ever dated someone who was hott even though they were an asshole?: nooo...
Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?: no...
Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?: No
Have you?: NO
Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?: No
Have you?: nO
Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?: No that's just dumb.
Have you?: NOOO

[Section 8 - Politics and such]
Are you a democrat?: No
Or a republican?: No
Or independent?: Yes
How do you feel about abortion?: Nay
Gay marriage?: Nay
Smoking?: Nay
Marijuana?: Nay
Drugs?: Nay
Illegal immigrants?: Nay
Premarital sex?: I don't know
Porn?: Nay
Alcohol?: Nay...
Racism?: Nay
Whores/prostitution?: Nay
Cloning?: Nay
Suicide?: Nay
Death penalty?: For it
Religion in government?: Nay
Our president?: No comment
Downloading music?: I think it's great.
Burning CDs?: Great
Welfare?: I don't know... i think it's a catch 22
Animal testing?: Nay
Gambling?: Nay
School uniforms?: Nay
One nation, under God?: Yes

[Section 9 - Religious beliefs]
What religion do you practice?: Christianity
Have you ever practiced a religion besides the one you practice now?: No
Has someone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?: No
Has someone ever tried to force you to practice another religion?: No
Do you go/have you been to religious gatherings?: Yes, often
What religion are your parents?: Same as me.
Do your parents care if you practice the same religion as them or not?: Yes
Do they know what religion you practice?: Yes
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