King Tut--First Round

Jul 27, 2012 08:45

Besides Tut himself, I found a few others that captured my imagination.

One was Queen Meritamun. This is her inner coffin.

I'll put more behind the cut. There are 6 photos in all behind the cut.

This is the back of the inner coffin. The whole piece was decorated one way or the other, either with paint or with surface carving. Hopefully you can tell that here:

There's a line of hieroglyphs running down the middle front of the coffin. I found a translation that reads, "Invocation offerings consisting of bread and beer, oxen and fowl, alabaster and clothes, all things good and pure on which the gods live. To the Spirit of the Reverend, the king's Daughter, the Priestess, the king's great Wife, Meritamun, Honored with Osiris". I'll have a pic of the entire inner coffin up later.

Appropriately, one of the other items that piqued my interest was a statue of Osiris:

The exhibit lighting is dramatic and fits the subject well, but it is a challenge to photograph because you can't use a flash in the exhibit.

There were two huge, colossal statues in the exhibit. One was Akhenaton. Very tall. Can't get a look at the face straight on, but this angle only accentuates the personality, I think.

Lastly (for this post, anyway) here is one centerpiece item of the exhibit--King Psusennes I--not King Tut, as one might expect.

king tut, osiris, meritamun, king psusennes

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