(no subject)

Sep 07, 2010 15:08

Woo. Apparently I can connect my Facebook here. How loverly for everyone.

Dragon*Con... I was going to go by the numbers, but that struck me as particularly odd. Maybe I will come up with a list for that later.

Managed to get room to crash in three different hotels over the four nights I was in Atlanta, which was a wonderfully happy miracle. Also managed to survive on con suite for meals, aside from three some nice older fellows got for me, and the dead dog with all the lovely staff Monday evening.

Was happy to see several old friends, sad to hear some weren't showing or won't be back the next year. Love the con because everyone's your friend for a weekend, then life goes on and people are forgotten till the next year.

Saw some bands, avoided Voltaire for no particular reason [he looks all scruffy, I noticed, but I don't think that's why I didn't go near].

I think I offended Doc Hammer because when I saw him Monday afternoon I said I'd seen his band perform and replied in my candid way "I don't know what I think" after he asked what I thought. Ended up chatting with him about my awesome toe-shoes a bit longer, then bounced off to let him relax. I felt like a real putz, but I'd seen his Friday night performance with some drunk buddies while I was quite tired, so all I remembered was that I had been physically present while they performed.

This is looking really disjointed time-line wise. I am going to attribute it to having no sense of time, as evidenced by the fact that all Saturday I thought it was Sunday and all Sunday I thought it was Saturday. Time means very little to me. Hah!

Went to the Time Traveler's Ball, where Gypsy Nomads, Emerald Rose and Extraordinary Contraptions played, and I got to meet several of the crew of the airship Revenger. The drummer for Extraordinary Contraptions was one of the first people I encountered in Atlanta, sitting up in the bar of the Hyatt at a relatively early hour, and he was such a charming gentleman.

Also spent time with a number of curious individuals, even ending up having Dangerwoman at my table during the dead dog. Though, really, I was focused quite intently on my meal, and she was engaged in conversation with her beloved much of the time.

As always, I did a lot of dancing, on top of the usual con running amok, so my legs are now suffering terribly. *Chuckles*

Many thanks go out there to all the friends and strangers whose random acts of kindness have helped to make the convention another incredible success in my mind. Hugs and kisses and many blessings upon you!
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