(no subject)

Aug 07, 2003 15:00

fuck the service industry. they make it seem like they are fucking doing me fucking favors for shit i am paying out the fucking wazzoool for. additionally, i owe the man so much money. you know I have to pay fucking 40 bucks to be on probation? like they're doing me another favor by keeping tabs on me.
"ah Thank ya sah ah, ah jus dont know what i would do without you watching over me, mistah dawson, sah."
then i tap dance down the courthouse rotunda all vaudy with black face. nobody in the system knows their ass from their elbow.

i am without internet until the 19th.....sobsobsobsobsobsobsob

i had to go to a Victim's Awareness Program last night, where (excuse my heartlessness) but someone woman comes in and tells the sob story of her kid who was killed by a drunk driver, so that all of us sittin there who use drugs or drink and then drive will feel all ashamed. i admit, i had tears in my eyes when the woman read a letter that she wrote to her dead daughter. but then she talks about her other kids, and i notice that i fucking sold drugs to her son the night before. !!!!!!!!! he drove away on them too.

goddamn dude, i missed.
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