Tuesday is for "To"s "Do"s

Jan 10, 2017 14:19

I haven't been posting much, because I've basically been going to work, coming home, playing with the dog, and going to bed. It hasn't left me much to talk about, although I've made some interesting discoveries recently. Apparently there's a huge poly contingent at BMC, including one of my favorite coworkers! I also discovered that my torchiere actually works... just not with the type of light bulbs I was using in it. I discovered this when the torchiere I got from jadia also didn't work with said light bulbs. I am not the brightest light bulb...

To Do and To Done
Change sheets
Put away dry laundry
Move embroidery machine back to dining room, now that there's light
Do laundry
Fix sewing machine
Fix exercise bike
Figure out Super Sekrit Project Plan
Execute Super Sekrit Plan
Submit topics for Verywell
Sexuality content for Verywell (topic approved)
STD content for Verywell (topic approved)
Verywell edits
Figure out First Event staffing to let me do CPT rounds (POOR PLANNING)
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