Oct 03, 2009 19:00
- 19:07 First junior high dance of the school year. Let the pre-teen angst begin. #
- 00:15 @ lockepeterseim I'll review Whip It for you. It was sloooow moving, kinda stupid, with a couple of funny parts. Ellen Page annoyed me. #
- 00:42 @ lockepeterseim We're ALWAYS game for anything that will get our name out there. And that sounds fun! Let me know if you wanna. #
- 00:44 Cottage cheese & peaches for a midnight snack. Too bad I can't taste it. Beginning to wonder if this loss of taste is going to be permanent. #
- 00:47 @ abiteofsanity The cold that just won't die! This is the end of day 3 w/ no ability to taste food whatsoever. Upside: eating less! #
- 07:34 @ ICT33 What?! It's a great combo! #
- 08:00 Enjoying the quiet house before my family wakes up. Sort of wish I was still in bed, though. #
- 08:10 RT Hilarious! Somebody was tuckered out! @toddadamson Kid session! bit.ly/3Y87xc #
- 09:22 @ Gabesmom My mouth started watering just looking at that. #
- 09:23 Major house cleaning and de-cluttering going on today. This calls for some music. #
- 10:15 @ bldngnerd That would be the only proper way--right now it feels like I'm just shuffling junk. #
- 10:35 @ geolibro Yes yes yes! I STILL hum that song. Let me put my handkerchief on my head. I'll be waiting for that song in my inbox..... #
- 10:35 Awww. Hubs was doing crafts w/ 4yo and he cut a heart out for me. :} #
- 12:23 @ ICT33 I had to be creative and imagine the taste. I'm going on day 4 of no taste (hubs says longer, heh). This cold is kicking my ass. #
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