It's been too long to really give a true update on my life in the past few months, so I won't. I will say that academically I did quite well at Elmhurst, socially less than stellar. I am, of course, regretting this decision, but I'll just stick it out. It isn't horrible and it won't kill me, so honestly I can have few complaints. Of course, I do complain.
Christmas was good, continues to lose its magic each year, but that's what they call "growing up." It fucking sucks. Spring semester doesn't start until January 28th, so until then I'll probably be sitting around contemplating ways to fix whatever the hell I've done wrong. I will not find any sort of solution because in all honesty there is nothing wrong and I am, in essence, nothing more than a somewhat neurotic, anal-retentive, obsessive crazy person. And yes, I know that was redundant.
I think I've finally narrowed down my major plans to Accounting (if I TRULY enjoy my Financial Accounting class this spring which I am going to make an attempt to), or Communication/Psychology (which I already know I'll love, but what I would do with... who the hell knows).
I'm still with Kyle, and I don't know how to elaborate. I love him and all that, but like so much else in my life my relationship with him is in constant flux. Flux isn't always a bad thing though.
I guess this turned into a mini-update of sorts, woops. I probably won't update again until 2008, but hopefully between now and then I'll have something more exciting to report.
Oh and I am going to do this...
WDWCP . I don't know when, but I really think I will. Only hopefully, with this, I won't give up.