171 dead - Millions won't care

Apr 20, 2007 00:41

Tuesday morning, the New York Times posted no less than five "headliner" articles related to the shootings at Virginia Tech which took the lives of 33 people Monday afternoon. My heart truly goes out to all of the families affected by this tragedy.

However, I must raise my voice in protest against the apathy of this nation when it comes to anyone but our own.

Image Copyright The New York Times

Yesterday, 171 people were killed in 5 explosions and a sniper shooting in Baghdad. I know this because there was one, one tiny headline in the New York Times this morning. According to the New York Times, most of the victims were civilians. But there is no outcry by the citizens of the United States. There are no memorial icons, no bloggers distraught by the very idea of it, and only one headline in the New York Times on "the morning after."


Is it because these 171 people are in a country across the ocean? Is it because the victims had the audacity to live (or be born) in a country that would be invaded by another power-hungry, deceitful government? Is it because the perpetrators, rather than untreated mental patients, were "insurgents" making an attempt to protect the country they love, to expel those treacherous invaders?

Or is it because we are a sad country of gluttonous, apathetic fools whose hearts can reach no further than our borders?

politics, iraq

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