anger, frustration and irritation

Dec 14, 2004 00:48

Ok. taking this medicine for ADHD (Ritalin) is not such a good idea. I now know why it has a rep for making people act psychotic, because I FEEL FUCKING LIKE KILLING SOMEONE... sometimes. No good. I can feel my control slipping down into unharnessed, raw emotion. I need to ventilate it periodically not to let my frustration overwhelm me. Like for example, I almost got run over 3 times today when going home from school. Usually I average around 5-6, so it's good. But with the medication, I feel more prone to get carelessly agressive. No good.

[pills clanking on porcelain, toilet flushing]

Well, I have 'till friday in school, and then it won't matter if I take it or not, since I don't have to work for a while (holidays, job searchin').

But on the other hand, I have gotten fed up with a few things that I really have to get down, and now I have the energy to do it.
1. Scientists.
There was NO Big Bang. The universe is not a finite thing. It's the reference frame that all other things use to exist.
Multiple universes do not exist, since if they do and have no contact point with our U, they are inconsequential. On the other hand, if there is a contact point, and things can cross over, it's like two islands with a bridge (existing within the same reference frame, only it's inaccessible from time to time), and an inclusion into one whole is inevitable, and the distinction between one and the other becomes inconsequential.
There is no TIME, only things moving in the constant moment that is NOW. Time Dilation is a bunch of crock. The past is an echo in our memory (and causality's path of traceable cause and effect).
The same way you cannot formulate a mathematical formula that somehow 'contracts' the whole framework of mathematics to a singularity, you cannot postulate a framework 'container' (the Universe) that contracts upon itself (or expands, if you go for the non-causal 'beginning of all things'-theme).
The Universe is one, infinite, eternal.
The Big Bang theory is the scientific equivalent to the Book of Genesis, or some other creation myth. It justifies our basic human need to have ROOTS. In fact, if you strip away the religious aspect of Genesis, and the scientific vagueness (how did all that light turn into matter?), you have pretty similiar stories: Lots of light 'Let there be LUX'/Singularity exploding into opaque light contained within an expanding bubble of space-time; Separation of light and 'non-light'/cooling (how does light 'cool down'?) into transparency. Science IS (a) Religion, and for a long time we have been stuck in an impasse. We have stared so long into the abyss looking for 'the beginning', that we fail to see the universe as a constant thing, containing ever-moving things that recycle continually. We have spent ages devoting ourselves to a god (the christian one and it's followers at least), searching for miracles, prophecies and 'proof' of it's existence, that we have forgotten the holy things around us. *Baaahing*. Science denies miracles, religion requires them. <- A fresh start. Check it out. Nuff' said.

2. Media.
People actually trust what they read/see/hear. Newspapers, magazines, TV, even internet is infected with propaganda, lies and misdirection. The real nutcracker of the psychedelic experience is when you realize that everything you've learned is, in fact, LEARNED and not neccesarily true. And sheep that people are (myself included), we accept without question. Just because some religious bigwig tells us something, leaning on a higher authority [God], we have a tendency to take it as truth. Substitute [God] for sometimes absurd [Logic] and aircastle [Equations], and bing, we have science. Or 'common knowledge', or 'Moral superiority', or 'Legal Precedent' etc.

3. Christmas Hypocrisy.
We are supposedly celebrating this to commemorate the birth of J-man himself. What has it become? A commercial tradition. We buy each other gifts and give them, BECAUSE WE ARE EXPECTED TO. According to the bible, people in Jerusalem made offerings at the temple to placate [god]. J-man saw the priests selling sacrificial offerings to those who had money but nothing to offer, and was abhorred. In olden times, ppl made gifts for each other, and offered them as gifts. But now the temple has become a store, the priests merchants, and the all-demanding [god] has been replaced with the percieved expectations of others, boosted by commercial interests. (-Bad crops? God is grumpy, offer more and all will be ok. / -Bad family and or personal relations (which they will be if you do not give)? Buy more, give more and all will be ok.) If J-man really had existed, he would be revolving in his empty grave. We are pissing on the fundamentals of christianity. That's why I'll keep celebrating christmas ;D *whizzz*


Wheeewh. That was SOOO good to get out of the system.
In other news. I have become addicted. Narcotic of preference: Lost.
Lost is a TV-series. I saw part of the first ep, and I had to have more. It's intense, true. But so far I have seen 3 or 4 ep's, and I can already say that, so far, this is the best TV series I have EVER seen. Period. No. Not that one either. Nope. Nothing compare to this. I just hope the writers don't get lost in a hazy bubble somewhere and start doing Days of our Lives out of it. Not that I see it happening, though. It's got the footage, it's got the script, it's got the mystery and suspense. Drama.

Now, I am very tired.

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