Apr 02, 2006 05:20
it's absolutely astonishing how quickly this semester has gone by. and how we only have 3.5 weeks left. and how quickly that'll go by. i just told stephanie how i'm excited to be with florida loves and see ppl, but i am also kind of nervous. just of how it'll be.
it's funny that at home i hang out w/ ppl named stephanie and ashley way (obscenely even) too much and here i do the same. i think i love stephanies and ashleys.
steph took me to a bridal expo today. she is going to be a wedding planner and is interning with some huge planner in the city. it was bizarre, fun to be girly but i am not good at lying and freak out ab jinxing thing. so she got to be the fun one who talked ab her wedding date and venue like a pro and when ppl asked us who was the bride, i just pointed at her and looked at pretty invitations.
my favorite was the fashion show. we had front row seats and i felt v impt and judgemental. i expected that something like that would appeal to me. of course i love looking at clothes and judging them and having ppl take pictures of us sitting right next to the runway looking thoughtful and, when appropriate, disdainful.
the shots of boston in legally blonde make me happy. i am getting more and more excited ab next yr.
i just found out that my summer, again, isn't turning out to what i thought it was going to be and really, really wanted it to be. strange. planning is too stressful and just never seems to be exactly right. i am curious to see how it'll be. and i can't pretend that i am not a little sad that my favorite place, which usually has my favorite ppl in the entire world, is going to be missing some v impt faces.
i've lived for a week all alone, in my perfect haven of a room. which has become increasingly messy and cluttered. jason is leaving tomorrow so my roommate will come back. i might miss the privacy and the aloneness some (i swear, i could handle living alone better than anyone else i know) but i'll be glad to have her back. bc she's fun and bc now i won't be able to be a drunk monster and eat her cookies. really, i am so grateful for that.