Nov 27, 2010 20:59
Brumby = goooooorne but will Baillieu do any better or do we not really care as long as Brumby is not our Premier for another three years?
ETA 11.50PM: So I posted this soon after Antony Green made his first "A Liberal Government is likely" prediction on the ABC. What do we think now? Hung parliament or will Baillieu win government?
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Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.
If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.
(And this is directed to the children of this thread: you know who you are, you've jumped up to be counted, after all...) You know, being sniped at by a bunch of vindictive children? Gets old, real fast. Fucking let it go, you babies. (Or is it "bitch at the chick who would have voted Liberal, because that's all you have in the way of protest" week? Yeah, that's probably it. Save your breath, go whine at your "esteemed leader" for being a lame duck. He'll take it on board much more than I will your stupid, whiny vitriol against anyone who DARES to have lived longer than you twerps!)
You have got to be freaking kidding me.
Actually, your sniping, shit-flinging and vitriol has gone far enough. You started this, you didn't let this go. You've used an otherwise relevant reply to have yet another go.
Enough. Consider this your first and last warning.
Everyone else: Keep it on topic and non-personal please.
And we're being sniped at by you. Not a big difference, I guess.
Who is the 'esteemed leader' you speak of?
Maybe you should go speak to yours, as he'll take it better than anyone who dares to have lived longer than we?
Ageism gets old real fast.
Don't worry, you have til Feb to come up with a brilliant way to tell them that you care so much you forgot.
Seriously, it takes them 3 months to go 'oh wait, sapphybelle didn't vote?"
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