Aug 04, 2008 22:47
sometimes i wish i had everything together. but then how exciting would life really be. who doesn't love a mystery. i realized that i stopped remembering my address along time ago . 25 ballyconnor court. toronto ontario. room 528 . my room at tyndale. but anything after that is a blur. this is to naomi: i miss you very much. and someday . i know we will see eachother. and hang out. and talk about the good old days. i also realize that i have to start living each day to the fulliest like. i remember thinkin HOWwwwwwwwwww bad school was. and how much work it was. . but now looking back i'll i rememeber is the fun times. and how much fun it was. like right now. i need to just focus on the best . and everything just taste better. u know. like not literally but just mentally. i haven't written in some time now because life gets crazy and i don't have the internet or my computer. so i never get a chance to just write my little heart out . i have been tryin to put some on paper. but it's going as good as this is. which isn't a lot. it's funny. somethings u enjoy so much but u never get a chance to do them. other things u HAte. . . and u have to do them soooo much. i can't think of any examples at the moment though. like i can think of some things i hate doing but like what do u have to do over and over and over. ok ok ok . off of that thought because it wasn't really going anywhere anyways. but today was a good day. work was good. everyone else had a holiday but i was happy for them. and the girls were generally well behaved so no complaints. i remembered that i like to skateboard tonight. i wish i was pro.