Been a long time eh? Figured since I finally had something to say I'd come post. I'm sure I'll be ranting about this one for a while...
Had a meeting with the bosses yesterday. I would assume, since they asked, that they find me a capable, if not anal retentive, candidate for running two stores or they would not have asked me. I'm going to toss some numbers at you and you tell me if you think this is fair or not. I'm not posting my salary as a means of bragging (quite frankly, I think they're low balling me but you have to see the numbers in order to appreciate how shitty this is)
Current Salary: $400/week gross & monthly bonus (averaging around $4-500/month)
Mind you, most GMs in resturants make an assload more than that. Especially seeing as most don't put in the kind of hours I do. It averages out to about $10/hour. Fuckers. Anyway..moving on.
So now they approach me with running two stores. By my figures, if two people were to be doing those jobs, it would come to $800/week & approx. $1000/month in bonus. Right? So...I'm expecting at LEAST pay equal to 150% of what I'm making now, putting me at $600/week gross and the bonuses of both stores. Keith initially told me that it would be 50% of the bonus from each store and the remaining 50% going to the main assistant managers. That sounded like a pretty solid plan. HOWEVER! Here's where the ass chapping comes in.
I get there and they tell me, basically, that I'll be doing exactly what I do now (hire, fire, food order, scheduling, inventory, etc.) but I'll have twice as much and half the time to do it (50 hours/week split between two stores). Oh and I forgot to mention, the other store is about 25 miles from the store I run now. I'm thinking to myself...ok, that's not too shabby. I can figure out a way to do this in the time that I have and blah blah blah.
Then Glenn look at me and says, well, you're probably wondering how this is going to effect your pay. I'm thinking...well FUCK YEAH! Not going to do it for He tells me that they'd be paying my salary out of both stores..half from one half from the other and that would work out to (get this shit)
$225/week from one and $225/week from the other
Are you kidding me? You're going to toss twice the responsibility, twice the work, twice the headache, twice the stress, twice the miles, half the sleep, half the time off, half the time with my family...
FOR $50 FUCKING DOLLARS MORE A WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Please tell me this was a bad dream. I'm really quite hurt and upset about this. It's obvious to me that my time is not nearly as valuable as theirs and they're trying to turn me into their bitch. I'm nobody's bitch. Fuck that.
So now I have to tell them why I don't want it. I've come up with a laundry list of reasons and none of them have to do with money but the hard part is telling them. They're very manipulative and you could be in the middle of telling them no and the next thing you realize, you're doing exactly what you didn't want to. However, I have made up my mind that I'm going to just say no and let it sit at that. Danny told me that I can use him as a scapegoat if I wanted, he didn't care. Isn't that sweet? *giggles*
Ok, moving on. [/rant]
Mouth is almost healed. I still occasionally have some bleeding but they said that is normal. Have to go in for adjustment soon-ish. They're pretty sloppy right now and shift constantly. IT sucks because it wears sore spots in my mouth but nothing that can't be relieved with a little salt water. All is good. I've eaten a Cadbuy Egg (food of the gods, damnit) with no pain for the first time in YEARS. Best one I've ever eaten;)
Seven days! Seven days! SOOO fucking excited now I can't stand it. One week and about three hours from now I'll be waiting in line for my first NIN show. Also my first concert on the floor (or pit, whatever the fuck you want to call it). There is a picture in the
CURRENT SECTION that I'm going to print out on nice glossy photo paper and have the whole band sign (if there is indeed a m & g) so I can have something to drool over and just to be a total hog about it, I'm taking my 'Broken' EP to have TR sign as well. Go me. However, if there is no m & g, I'll be ok with that too. I'll at least be able to say I got to see NIN live and that alone rocks ass.