So it's officially 2006 and I have nothing to show for it other than
insomnia and a majour toothache. Ugg. Took half a vicodin (still have
to work in the morning...ARRRGGHH!) and I'm just waiting for it to kick
in. Do pain meds get weaker or stronger as they age? I happened to
check the date on them and um...let's just say that they're a little on
the old side *giggles* Oh well..what doesnt' kill us only makes us
stronger eh?
Ok. So after all the bitchin' and whining about getting the V80, I
couldn't get it. Of all the sites I tried to order it off of, they were
either 'temporarily out of stock' or told me that my card had
'Restricted Access'...whatever the fuck that means. So I decided fuck
it, and I'd get an equally kick ass phone from my service provider.
Tada! I got the Motorola V555. Camera, Video, all that happy crap and
the only thing it's missing is the situational lights, which, while
they're cool as all hell, probably just help run the fucking battery
down so I won't miss them.
Here it is....
It does have changeable covers and the ability to get MP3 ringtones so
I guess that's a plus (??). It's taking me a while to figure out all
the shit that it does and I still don't know everything. Motorola is a
bit different from Sony Ericsson so yeah...give me a couple of days and
I should have it. Go me. New phone.
Got E-mail confirmation from Doc Martens about my boots. They shipped
yesterday so I should have them by about Tuesday or Wednesday. Go me.
New Boots. Now I just have to figure out what kind of pants I'll be
wearing with them....
Work sucked BALLS tonight. Busy as fuck all. Mind you, I LOVE it when
it's busy. I don't have to think about whether we're going to have
enough for everyone to do. However, I don't like it so busy that you
don't have time to think which is exactly how it was. I put myself on
ovens so I could make sure shit was coming out right, which it was,
other than a few minor fuck ups. However, it's not a fuck up unless it
gets to the customer and thankfully I caught them all (at least as far
as I know). When I left at 7:45, we were doing a killing and it was
slowing down to the point where we could collect ourselves and get
ready for the next least I HOPE there was another rush cuz I
wouldnt' have to be there *giggles*
New Year's Eve always sucks. At least since we entered the non-cool,
stay at home and light fireworks at midnight phase of our lives.
Dickhead ended up pissing me off so I went to bed at 9:30 and then got
woke up at 11:40 when Rayanne text me to say Happy frelling new year.
Thanks Ray. Now it's as if I've had a nap and I can't sleep. Plus my
teeth hurt. Terribly. The whole right side of my face is just
throbbing. Danny drank a pint of Jim Beam and thinks that I should give
him some because he cleaned the bathroom and made the goodies tonight
(Cocktail smokies w/ BBQ & brown sugar and Cheese/Chili
BITCH BITCH BITCH! Sheesh. Smack me next time I get going on a tangent like that:P
54 days! 54 days! *dances* Now if only my Spiral shit would get here.
I'll probably have to do one of my infamous happy dances out of the
post office when it does show up *giggles* I embarrass the hell out of
Devin when I do that shit :D What fun is having kids if you don't get
to embarrass them occasionally. God knows they do it to us enough...
Me feels the pain sinking into the dull roar zone, typing a correctly
spelled word is becoming a chore and eyes are feeling really heavy.
Dear Bob, I love narcotics. Not really but yeah...sometimes they rock
pekinjay pointed out to me that trying to make a heart with the { and the 3 looks like testicles. Let's see....
Ok, so yeah, kinda. At the moment it was really funny.
Have you ever tried to tell someone a story that was really funny and
you were laughing so hard that you couldn't get the story out but your
laughter made them laugh and before you know it, you're both in tears
over absolutely nothing? Yeah, that happened the other night. Trying to
assplain to
pekinjay that some of our customers can't pronounce 'cajun'
and it comes out 'caucasian'. Honestly. Then you have the people that
don't say 'sesame seeDs' they say what sounds like 'sesame sEES'.
There are those that say piney-apples and gel-op-an-ohs (totally
phonetic) instead of jalepenos. Well...the one day, we got all of these
stupid fucks in the span of a shift and out of the blue I start in on
my pirate voice and say something along the line of..
YAR! I been many days upon the sesame seas! I was stranded on the gel-op-an-ohs islands with nothing to eat but piney-apples.
I couldn't remember it exactly at the time but hilarity ensued as I
struggled to tell the story. Giggles turned into fits of laughter and
after about five minutes, we were both in pain from laughing so hard.
Good times.
Ok, officially feeling a little fucked up. Am off to see the lizard....