
Dec 20, 2005 00:23

So I did manage to get my tickets. Got General Admission which, supposedly, is considered the floor. Since when did the floor become the GA? That's just wrong. Anyway...being a Spiral member,  here are the possibilities of what could happen.
A- Get in uber early and see sound check
B- Get in semi early (as in an hour or so)
C- Get fucked and let in with the rest of the herd
D- Get to do the meet and greet with the band. Of course, I'd have to go puke first but it would be killer.
A little explination of what this is. Supposedly, premium spiral members (at certain venues, depending on time factors and mood apparently), can bring with them, one person and one item to be signed. I've decided to take my 'Broken' album and have the inside signed. THAT IS!!!...if they don't fuck us in the Fort. That would just be my luck so I'm not getting my hopes up too much.
E- None of the above.
I've already told Amy (my bestest friend since we were like 6 years old and the one I'm taking with me) that we're getting there around noon-ish and lurking around the special Spiral entrance until they either let us in or we freeze to death, which ever comes first.
Like I said, I'm not getting my hopes up. THe only thing that I'm DEFINATELY excited about is seeing some of the greats (ie. Wish, Closer, Head Like a Hole, etc.) live. The new stuff already sounds like something you'd hear live, or in a club so that is not the most exciting part. I'm totally pumped to see the old stuff...the stuff I listened to in high school. Anyway, moving on....
Hopefully, I'll have my new phone by then and I'll get some pics. If not, Amy says she has a camera phone at her disposal so even if I don't, I will.
Danny swears that I'm going to hate it on the floor. I must disagree. I have already told him that if I don't walk out of there with at least two broken ribs and the inability to breathe due to being crushed from the stage rush, then it's not going to be a good night. I think this will be the perfect concert to break my 'floor cherry'. He never would buy floor seats....pussy. Anyway, I want to be hurting at the end of this show. I want to have bruises and no voice. I want to be drenched in sweat. I want to be totally drained. Don't want much do I?
Alright...enough of that. Must stop obsessing. It's only two months away. I swear, I'll get over it eventually *giggles*
I really hope that they decide to give me some kind of Christmas bonus and not in the form of over priced, unwanted, unneeded gifts. I want cash damnit *giggles* If that is the case, then I'll be getting my new phone. Seriously this time. I've had to use my bonus checks to pay frelling bills but not this time. I have sworn to get this new phone (Motorola V80) but then tonight, Jen (a girl I bowl with) shows up with a new Sony Ericsson flip and it is kinda cool too. Of course, I'd love to have the Motorola ROKR but fucking Cingular got dibs on it before it even came out in the market. Anyway, it looks pretty kick ass too, however, I'm thinking that it's going to have one hellish price tag and fuck that. My V80 has everything that the V600 has and then some and is only running at average, $180 for the phone, car charger, blue tooth headset and the works. So yeah...fuck the V600.
Tomorrow is our christmas party at work. Oh joy *glares* I even decided to take two days off in one week..two days off in a ROW no less. Fuck em. If they don't like it, then they can fire me.
I spent the day with Amy making goodies. The usual extra sugary, extra chocolatey goodness that seems to flow from my kitchen every December. IT's crazy. I used about 7 pounds of chocolate today. This year, the bark I made has peanuts and raisins. Usually it's almonds but they're way too hard for my teeth and on fucking way was I going to make something I can't eat.
Alright, tis 1 in the AM and I think it's about time for me to get my happy ass to bed. Must clean house tomorrow and do laundry. Oh what joy. Fucking laundry.
Rock on.

nin concert!, christmas goodies, phone ramblings

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