It's all fun and games until it hurts to pee...

Oct 02, 2005 17:55

High school drama is beyond exhausting. It's a total waste of energy but I find myself in the middle of it. My assistant is seeing a few girls, none exclusively, and the one is a psycho. I'm fucking nut case. She texts him at all hours of the day and night. Calls every five minutes. If he doesn't answer, she calls from another phone. The 'I'm going to obsess over you until you drop dead or fuck me' kind of psycho. IT's scary. He's had me answer his phone a few times when she's called and I get to hear her whine and cry about 'why is another girl answering your phone' bullshit. It's kinda funny but sad in the same way. Grant has told her to piss off as nicely as possible but she's not taking the hint. He even went so far as to say 'Bitch, You're 17 years old, you've already had four one night stands and I'm not going to be the fifth' and she STILL doesnt' take the hint. It's funny and pathetic and sad all at the same time.
Work Sucks. Period.
Ordered 'The Fragile' on cd from amazon. I've decided to get one new cd or movie with each check and perhaps a couple with each bonus check. Let's hope I stick to that *giggles*
I don't really have a lot to say. I'm mostly just bored out of my mind and really don't feel like going to Neopets. It's very frustrating to WANT to do something but as soon as you get the chance to do it, it feels almost like you're just going through the motions. Ugg. It feels forced and I would rather avoid it altogether than just 'be' there. I dunno...weird.
I have a lot to do on my ONE day off tomorrow. Damnit. This is killing me.
Whine whine whine. Bitch bitch bitch. My bad.
I'm starting a collection of bumper stickers. Funny thing...not putting them on the damn bumper:P I want to plaster my van with them. Of course, I'll probably not be able to. Seeing as I occasionally have to deliver, I'd probably have to keep them all clean and that is NOT what I had in mind. I want to drive something offensive:D Going to start combing the sale papers for an old Omni or Chevette or somethign like that. Maybe an old escort. I think it would rock. Of course, that's the whole weird thing again. *shrugs*
Not much else going on. Think I'll get some stuff done now instead of waiting to do it all tomorrow.

blah blah blah

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