this really made me smile..
Name: Linh Chia
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tidbit: I'll be in Beijing during the Olympics!
How'd you find me? I can't remember exactly. I used to own a livejournal account, but no mores. I believe I found you through other ljs I lurked.
Dear Mila,
I want to take out this time and tell you how incredibly proud I am of you. You don't even know me but I've been a lurker of yours for 5+ years (more so in the past than now, since I'm a junior in college and hardly have much time to lurk anymore). I was there during your earlier posts when you liked to experiment with makeup (you used to obsess over MAC and getting a job with MAC of some kind) and take pretty pictures of yourself and now look at you. You've grown into a beautiful woman, networking in the industry, getting yourself known, a true entrepreneur. You are an amazing inspiration for those who have a passion and would like to capitalize on it. I absolutely love your work (do you even call it work? haha) and I visit occasionally to see what your creative mind is up to, not to mention you are also a trendsetter, and I admit to sometimes visiting to see your latest outfits to figure out recent trends since I'm not much of a fashion mag reader. You are on the road to success, no doubt about it. I'm no psychic, but I can only see a bright future for you. Good luck with everything (even though you don't need it :D) and keep doin' yo thang.
Warmest regards,
Thank you, Linh!
I'm almost done
replying to everyone