Mar 08, 2011 17:01
Have broken my "don't wind up in the hospital" resolution already: spent Sunday afternoon in Urgent Care with the Mysterious Bump of Mystery on my forehead. First I thought I'd banged it on something, then when my whole forehead swelled up the advice nurse thought it was an infection. The Urgent Care doc took one look at my byzantine medical history and decided to go a little crazy: antibiotic cocktail and take me off my new birth control, just in case it was an allergic reaction.
Had follow-up with my regular doc today, who listened to my symptoms, poked me in the head, and declared it an allergic reaction to a spider bite. Off the antibiotics, back on the birth control; 'round we go, where it stops, nobody knows.
On the other hand, I finally finally FINALLY took that make-up exam from last semester. You know, the one that was giving me panic attacks? It wasn't great, but at least it's over.
And then I got myself back on the schedule at work, and rewarded myself with ice cream, so all and all I'd call today a win.
case the promised land,
depression sucks!,
mel the medical marvel,
college - classes