(no subject)

May 17, 2009 13:03

Passing on a Facebook meme to here: Thanks xuenay
(To be fair and keep in mind publication dates.... i try not to choose anything australian specific) I'm disgusted by the amount of authors that choose to put character names in the first few sentences...for SHAME

1. Pick ten books from your shelves.
2. Take a sentence or a couple from their beginning.
3. Choose a number of yours friends to guess the books in question. (It's a free-for-all.)
4. Googling is cheating.

1.Isabeau swung her pack over her shoulder and strode down the track, her eyes roaming over the ground as she searched for the first unfurling of leaf and flower through the muddy snow.The witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsythe Darkwingmogg

2.Winters on Ballybran were generally mild, so the fury of the first spring storms as they howled acroos the land was ever unexpected.

3. What does it mean to be good? When i was a child, i thought i knew. It was easy then. I knew nothing of my birth or my heritage.

4. Surrounded on one side by the sea and inland, bordered by jagged mountain ranges and great tracts of poisonous blacklands. the people of the Land believed they alone had survived the Holocaust. In absence of any authority, a Council was set up to Preserve order in the growing community, but what began as a welcome central governing body because something sinister and oppressive.

5. The first time she saw him, he was standing dawn watch on the wall. He was a big man with coarse, almost brutish features. His untidy black hair was whipped back by the bitter wind that blew in from the sea. From his shoulders hung the dark blue cloak of the City Guard.

6. Both moons where high, dimming the light of all but the brightest stars. The campfires burned on either side of the river, stretching away into the night. Quietly flowing, the Deisa caught the moonlight and the orange of the nearer fires and cast them back in wavery, sinuous ripples. And all the lines of the light led to his eyes, to where he was sitting on the riverbank, hands about his knees, thinking about dying and the life he'd lived.

7. The entrance of Stuttley's Superior Staff Factory, Ottosland's premier staff manufacturer, was guarded by a glass0frosted booth and blocked by a red and blue boomgate. Inside the booth slumped a dyspeptic-looking security guard, dressed in a rumpled green and orange Stuttley's Uniform.

8. The temperature of the room dropped fast. Ice formed on the curtains and crusted thickly around the lights in the ceiling. The glowing filaments in each bulb shrank and dimmed, while the candles that sprang from every available surface like a colony of toadstools had there wicks snuffed out.

9. Roscommon came and laid waste to the garden an hour after dawn, about the time I usually get out of bed and he usually passes out on the shoulder of some freeway. My landlord and I have an arrangement. He charges me and my housemates little rent - By Boston standards, none at all - and in return we let him play fast and loose with out ecosystem. Every year at about this time he destroys my garden.

10. The sky cracked and Lightening fell through it's crooked seams. With it came a black sleet tasting of smoke, cpper and brimstone. With it came a howling like a fale from hell.
Carsek drew himself up, clutching his bloody bandages, hoping they would keep his guts in until he saw the end of this, one way or another. "She must order the charge soon." he grunted, pushing himself to his feet with the butt of his spear.
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