Jan 26, 2005 22:32
Well I really want to update my journal but I am so tired. Oh well whatever I will just write now and then write more tomorrow during lunch.
I was very proud of myself yesterday for two reasons. One, I actually, voluntarily ordered a Publix sandwich with more than just ham, cheese and mayo. Yes that is right, for all of you who know my eating habits, in addition I actually put lettuce, mustard and pickles...And the second thing I forgot so anyway...
Hopefully Allen & Tiffany will get back with me soon about those books. Preferably calling me or something...*hint hint*
Today was pretty crappy though. I won't go in depth about how I feel but to say the least I am having the "Oh so sad" emotional pms roller coaster and my throat and ears are killing me. Not to mention I had a quiz today that made feel like a complete idiot. Conscidering I didn't study too much I guess I am a complete idiot. But I am not afraid to take responsibility for my screw ups. I refuse to make excuses!
I hate these kind of days where you (not anyone personally) feel like you are missing something. Like maybe you didn't eat something you should have or you haven't done something or seen someone.
And the last thing I want to say is that I hate it when I am talking to someone I really care about and then I take something they said, which I am sure was completly innocent, the wrong way. And then of course I end up pissy or upset the rest of the time I am with them when I know I am being silly. But as much as I say I am the type of person who likes to talk things out I can't when the person I am trying to explain myself to is the nicest person I have ever known and they would never get pissy or upset over something I said.