May 18, 2008 16:20
Not only did I just spend an hour of my life looking through facebook bumper stickers, I just saw one that said "Seniors '09". Holy shit, I'm a senior. Well not technically. Though the seniors are out of school, they don't graduate until Thursday and junior presentation, when we actually become seniors, isn't until the Thursday after that. But we are now the oldest girls at the school and we get our rings on Tuesday. Wow. This time next year, I'll be out of school, waiting to graduate and move on to college, wherever that is.
Another milestone: Friday was Prom! It wasn't quite as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be, but it was still fun. I wore the same dress as 8th grade semi. It still fit perfectly, which means I haven't actually grown since 8th grade. Maybe that's why I was always so tall and then suddenly am short...I think I actually had more fun not bringing a date (sorry Keith) since I didn't have to worry about anything. Erin and I were dates. XD And then I cheated on Erin with Kim. XD It was fun, even though I almost shot someone. XD Still might. After prom was more fun. We went to Wendy's, which is amazing, then back to my house for "horror movies". We didn't actually watch any horror movies; just sat around and talked until like 2. We did watch The Omen in the morning. I <3 the Omen.
Also, yesterday, I actually worked! I know, its a miracle! But I lost my voice doing a walk in party. They were sooo loud I had to scream at them and then still talk to other customers for the rest of the day. Therefore, no voice. BABW actually did something really nice yesterday though; you could like stuff a puppy and send it to one of three charities. Most everyone did it. I thought that was really nice, especially since lately all people seem to do to each other is harm. It was nice.
The weather is also getting progressively nicer. Only three more weeks of school, and they're barely weeks at all! Like this week, we have two half days and Friday off. And track is OVER on Tuesday, which is happy. I don't like Spring Track that much. XC was the best thing ever, Winter was okay, and now Spring sucks. Oh well. At least it's over and I don't have to do it next year, since I'll already be accepted to college and will have a terrible case of senioritis. Graduation is on Thursday. I'm going to be an absolute mess. I've already decided that I'm not even going to wear makeup, since it will run all over the place anyways.
Speaking of which, I'm going to get back to watching Ladder 49. Damn this movie, it always makes me cry.