Hay livejournal hay!

Apr 28, 2008 19:34

Back from Spain! I had an awesome time but I totally don't have time to do the full, day by day entry that I'm going to do. I kept a journal to make sure I remembered it all. (This is going to be a long one. Hehehe) I also have a ton of pictures that I need to download and sort though, as well as stealing a bunch off other people's facebooks. But that is all going to take me a very long time and the only reason I'm still up right now is because going to be on Spain time will make my jetlag worse, rather than better. Though I'm not really having that much trouble with it. I'm more having issues with the fact that yesterday was 25 hours long, all of it either spent on a bus or an airplane or sitting at the airport. Not fun. I'm taking tomorrow off school because I  totally need a day to recover. It's not even so much the fact that I'm tired or not feeling well, it's all the stuff I had to do. I have a shitload of laundry and I missed two weeks of VHS because the computers at the hotel were all hogged with those who will now be refered to as The Sluts checking their facebooks and myspaces and emailing their boyfriends because they can't stay a week without them. I'm sorry, I just have a lot of anger towards The Sluts right now. Try spending 10 days with them and you'll see.

I'm on the desktop computer right now. I'm not sure why. I think I just needed a break from my laptop. It's nice to be back on the desktop. I like it.

I am going to have so much stuff to make up when I go back to school. Tomorrow I'm missing the mile, an english test, a latin quiz plus translation story, and a track meet. (But I don't have to make up the meet, obviously.)

Alright, I got to go on a book hunt. I read this book that I got forever ago called My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon and I now need My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (I was unaware there was a first book before I read this one) and I need like half the books featured. It was a collection of short stories written by authors of popular supernatural fiction, about their books. So now I need to read all the books. And, as nerdy as it sounds, I want to find the Jedi Apprentice series. I read them when I was like 12 and was totally hooked and I want to see if they are as good as I remember them. Tomorrow I'll post the massive entry and start downloading pictures. Adios!

[Ps. My spanish has greatly improved. Yo tengo un gato in mis pantalones. XP Yay for awkward passwords. It's a long story but basically we decided to have a password so creeps wouldn't like stalk us. And we had to choose an awkward one, naturally.]

spain, school

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