Dec 11, 2006 01:35
I stole this from Peter, because I can't help myself and must procrastinate as much as humanly possible during finals week. Enjoy.
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer.
What does next year have in store for me?
"Flora/Fauna" good to know there won't be a nuclear holocaust, I guess...
What's my love life like?
"The Great River" I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but can we just take the middle word from that title?
What do I say when life gets unfair?
"Hold On" I guess that's actually appropriate
What do I think when I get up in the morning?
"Pacifico" actually, I do often wish I were by the ocean
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
"3 Freaks (Droop-E Remix) (f. Mistah Fab, Turf Talk & Keak Da Sneak)" My wedding will apparently be quite ghetto. I don't know if I'm ok with that.
What do I want as a career?
"Cat Faces" ummm, am I going to be a vet or something? maybe a plastic surgeon specializing in circus freaks?
What's your favorite saying?
"Move your Body" yes, that's what I always, always say
Favorite Place?
"Dance Hall" matches my favorite saying I guess
What do you think of your parents?
"Die weisheitslehre dieser knaben" apparently my parents inspire thoughts of german opera (the online translation I looked at has something about lessons in prudence and boys, I'm not sure what to make of that...)
Where would you go on your first date?
"How Insensitive" That's quite a bad sign, although maybe it would be fun to throw a drink on somebody, now that I think of it.
Describe yourself.
"Interlude" yeah, this life sucks, let's move on to the next one.
What is the thing I love most?
"Lux Aeterna" so, some combination of eternal light and Latin. sounds good.
The song that best describes my boss?
"Lady Madonna" I don't have a boss, but this is... interesting
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
"Gold lion" valuable, sparkly, and viciously predatory???
How will I die?
"Alice's Restaurant" So either from food poisoning or too much hippie music-- both bad ways to go.
The song you'll put as the subject?
"Smile like you mean it" yay
P.S. For the record, my Latin professor is weird and crazy. One of the sample sentences for translation into latin on the final is: "Women can eliminate husbands who spend lots of money on cheap whores by mixing aconite into their wine" Not only is that a little disturbing, but it's very complicated grammatically and devilishly hard to translate. boooooo (thumbs down)