Oct 03, 2006 01:23
So, first few days of school have gone by without too much to be said in the way of pretty much anything-- I still don't feel like I know enough about any classes to know how they'll turn out in the long run. Unfortunately, I'm already behind on my reading assignments, but that's hardly news, now is it?
Neither is the fact that I'm nervous again. that was fast, huh? three days of school, not even in a row, and I one giant racing heartbeat all over again. Of course, this might be good nervousness, because:
Of course, MLB hates the west coast, and thus has scheduled the playoff game to start at TEN IN THE GODDAMN MORNING pacific time. The Yankees get their nice 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific start time, because everybody wants to watch the fucking yankees. But no, the A's get to not only play in a domed over astroturfed hellhole in minnesota at ten in the fucking morning. I'm not upset. not at fucking all. Because, you know, I might just be able to catch, oh, the first few batters of the first half of the first inning. And then find out the score four hours later when I finally get to leave school for an hour or so. And guess what time the second game of the series, on wednesday, starts? yep, another ten in the morning. Fun!!
Ok, ok, don't worry. despite what it probably sounds like, I am not in fact throwing furniture out the windows and beating up random people on the street because of this. In fact, I'm almost convinced it's better for me this way, because if I watched, I'd get waaaay to overstimulated, and the night early afternoon would end in a Xanax-induced stupor. Which of course would make me even further behind in my readings on classical civilization and literature.
I'm gonna have a little bit of fun tomorrow, at least. I get to go around to intro Latin classes and give a little pitch to join the CSA and/or come to the meeting tomorrow, featuring a panel of classics students, of which I am one. Plus, I get to deposit a $340 check from my roommate.
I practiced a little cello this afternoon-- it was definitely good for me. I had to spend a really long time tuning it, because being moved about so much made most of the strings slip so much that they were totally slack, but it made me feel good to get it into playable condition without any strings snapping and lacerating my face (I do know someone who that happened to...) but in any case I should really get a tuning fork one of these days, the most dead useful thing ever, and so good for illustrating some of my favorite principles of physics.
Anyway, more later, meanwhile I really really really hope the A's win.....