Ok, so it's been a while since my triumphant return from Rome, and I can tell you my days have been filled with more or less nothing, which is how I like it, sort of. But you don't really need a day-by-day breakdown of waking up at noon and maybe going to to the pool or maybe just lying around catatonically, so I'll skip to the interesting parts.
I made it to my first A's game of the season last week. It was good, they won, I got to chill with my dad for a while, but we happened to be sitting between rows filled with arrogant, drunken bastards and next to a large group of drunk girls with whom they were each flirting. A little uncomfortable, but tolerable. Except the ones in front of us wouldn't sit down, leaping up at almost every pitch. This annoyed the guys in back of us, (who were so drunk they coudn't tell the difference between the radar readings and the pitch count, and were really amazed Zito's "velocity" was increasing by one mph, every pitch, for an entire inning) who were about ready to start a fight quite a few times. We moved to seats with a better view, and saw both groups of them being escorted out a little earlier. assholes.
My little brother is working at Safeway in Terra Linda, hahahahaha. If you ever go there, you might see him.
Had my job interview, didn't get the job, wasn't exactly bummed. I figure if you're able to get by on not having one, there's no reason to. Although I would probably have a sense of accomplishment if I got a job. whatever, who needs to accomplish things?
I've been working on doing something about the fact that biochem is a not so much fun major. At this point, all the 500 person lectures about nothing you can use in real life have more or less worn out my patience with the major, so I'm looking for a change. I'd just drop it altogether and switch outright to Classical Civ., but I feel like I've invested a hell of a lot of effort already and I had better get something out of it. The Evolution, ecology, and Biodiversity major would require minimum more effort and I can use a good bit of the coursework I've already taken, as would Environmental toxicology. I like the toxicology one because it's sort of like taking biochem out of the lab and classroom and into the real world. I'm going to go tomorrow and check out the individual departments-- I'm sick of swamped, impersonal, and unavailable professors. This probably means no Greek in the fall, sadly. I could always take it at Cal over next summer though....
I move out of my apartment in less than two weeks. Should be interesting to be homeless for one night, hopefully I'll crash at one of our friends' places. I started the packing process today, it's gonna be a long one, because I not only have to pack up my room, but the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room too. The boxes won't be bad, but furniture is going to be a bitch. Our truck is 15' long, hopefully that's big enough. My parents will probably also let me borrow the CRV, but that won't take any furniture, probably just my cello and some boxes. We'll have about a day and a half to get ALL our stuff from the apartment into the truck, and then, the next day, all we have is a few hours to empty the truck and return it. We had to get ours from elk grove, on the other side of Sac, because there are NO trucks available in Davis, dixon, or sacramento for those dates, because about half of the city moves between the 31st and the 1st. haha, should be crazy and poorly planned, but amusing.
I finally returned the netflixes that I had had since MAY (they were that good) and watched Layer Cake. It was.... well, it was well shot, suspenseful, fairly well acted, but it was just confusing as fuck. the phrase "layer cake" is actually only used once in the whole movie, about 85% of the way through, and it's sort of ambiguous what it's referring to. I don't mind confusion in the beginning, but I expect it to be intentional, and to be resolved in a nice twist or twists towards the end. In fact, it almost got more confusing at the end. There were a couple times where an actor would say a phrase like "there's no such thing as easy money" with a dramatic pause, like it was capping off a theme, but the scenes from earlier in the movie where characters had said things like "it's easy money" or "it's free money" were only in the Deleted Scenes part of the DVD. The end was totally abrupt and artificial, as well. Most of all, it looked like an extended audition tape for the role of James Bond, but trying really hard to disguise itself as hardcore and edgy. gaaaah, and I really wanted to like it, too.
in completely different news, I've been experimenting with making my own sicillian-style pasta sauce. It's definitely getting there, and I now believe the only thing missing is some tomato paste, and getting the ratio of sauce to pasta right as well. But it has that really nice fresh taste I've been mainly aiming for, which is a success. Also, I make fantastic pizzas now.
I saw Darren yesterday for the first time in months and months, which was lovely, quite enjoyable. He, Mel, and I went to the pool, made dinner and made cookies, which turned out very well after a minor adjustment to the dough following the first batch. As usual, he and I can't shut up when we see each other, and poor mel couldn't get a word in edgewise. I feel pretty bad about that, especially since she clearly wanted to go to sleep and I was incapable of being polite and breaking off the conversation and leaving so that she could. Sorry, Mel.
Last but not least, I'm getting on a plane yet again less than a week after I move, to go visit my grandma and various aunts, uncles, and cousins in the New York/ New Jersey area. I'm leaving on the 6th, getting back on the twelfth. I was going to come back on the 11th, but I figure people will be extra jumpy that day, probably amping up the searches and security in general, and I don't really want to deal with it. Meh. I doubt anyone would have been planning to hijack a flight from Newark to minneapolis/St. Paul (ahhh, the joys of layovers) anyway. I don't think I've ever flown Northwest before, should be interesting to see if they suck as much as their lowest of low prices suggests. They won't be feeding me, that much I know already, but I can eat in Minneapolis or bring some food on. Unless they suspect the peanut butter and/or jelly in my potential sandwich might really be a cleverly concealed explosive chemical. bah. Great, now the department of homeland security is going to read my livejournal because I mentioned airplanes, the 11th, hijacking, and explosives. Hi guys! Just having a laugh, I promise!!
Anyways, I'm off to scrounge around my kitchen for food, fail at that, and go have some coffee because Kristin is working the closing shift tonight. Pictures of Italy are still forthcoming, probably in their own post.