Jan 09, 2009 14:32
So yesterday I go to pick up David from Kindergarten and his teacher has to tell me about what he said. Apparently they had some police officers there to talk to the kids about Stranger Safety. The kindergarteners are a little bit different from the other kids, what with their comments and perspectives. The guy asked, "What are some things we don't do with strangers?"
He got the usual, you don't talk to them, you don't go with them, etc.
David raised his hand, and said, "You don't wiggle your toes at them."
Yep. You should NEVER wiggle your toes at strangers. I just might set them off. :)
They asked where he'd heard that, and he told them that he just made it up. He thought it would be funny. :)
Gotta love the kid
Later, when almost everyone had gone, I was talking with my friend and her daughter's teachers. Our kids were all still just playing. One of the teachers looked over and saw David at the tree in the middle of the yard...
pants down at his ankles...
relieving himself.
*head desk*
I truly thought we'd been over this before! I headed over there to get his pants back up, all of us just busting up laughing. Apparently, he figured since his teacher had gone in and her door was locked, there was no available bathroom. We had a discussion about not showing your private parts in public. That's why there's doors on bathrooms. And why we don't live in France. He seemed somewhat concerned that he could be arrested for that if he were an adult. I told Jeremy and he figures he contributed to that. While we were in Oklahoma, he took David 4 wheeling with his best friend from from high school on their family ranch. There were no bathrooms available there, either.
I suppose this is just par for the course when raising boys.
It's a good thing I love them, huh?
david; kids;