Oct 29, 2008 21:10

So, we have recently cleaned out our book collection, and as a result, there are a whole *ton* of books I am getting rid of: lots of older SF particularly, but also some general fiction and some non-fiction.

If anybody on my flist wants any, I will send them to you for the shipping costs (if the shipping turns out to be <$1, like for one paperback ( Read more... )

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sailorptah October 30 2008, 02:17:20 UTC
I'm too late for the Incarnations of Immortality books? Frig.

If these haven't been called already, dibs on:

--Big Trouble
--A Bird in the Hand...
--Bluebeard (Vonnegut)
--Camp Foxtrot
--Meet Luann
--Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger
--The Sirens of Titan
--Word Origins
--both collected Politically Correct Stories

You're very cool for doing this, by the way.

(Also: stellar_dust sent me.)


melannen October 30 2008, 02:54:52 UTC
You missed out on Camp Foxtrot, but the rest are yours! Yay!

Do you want to e-mail me your address, or wait until I see you in person again?

(Did you not see this on your flist? Or did you just see it there first? :D )


sailorptah October 30 2008, 17:10:35 UTC
Hm. Hang on to them for now - let's see whether this New Year's party happens.

(I saw it, but LibraryThing was down at the time! It didn't come back up until after stellar_dust had posted the link.)


stellar_dust October 30 2008, 17:33:51 UTC
O dear! Pressure! XD


melannen October 30 2008, 02:56:56 UTC
Oh, oops, the Politically Correct Stories were also claimed, sorry.


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 03:02:32 UTC
Actually I claimed word origins too


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